Done at Brussels, 24 November 1986. protection and financial sector outcomes, drawing on the new unique cross-country data set on financial consumer protection. In order to avoid unnecessary duplication of experiments for the purposes of satisfying national or. Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Directive, where it is necessary for the legitimate purposes of the experiment, the authority may allow the animal concerned to be set free, provided that it is satisfied that the maximum possible care has been taken to safeguard the animal's well-being, as long as its state of health allows this to be done and there is no danger for public health and the environment. At the same time, the U.K decided to reorganise its several systems of protection for depositors, insurance policyholders, and investors. Compulsory deposit protection schemes are a huge improvement … Paragraph 1 above does not apply when: (a) anaesthesia is judged to be more traumatic to the animal than the experiment itself; (b) anaesthesia is incompatible with the object of the experiment. In order to avoid unnecessary duplication of experiments for the purposes of satisfying national or Community health and safety legislation, Member States shall as far as possible recognize the validity of data generated by experiments carried out in the territory of another Member State unless further testing is necessary in order to protect public health and safety. The conditions laid down in this subparagraph may, however, be waived where, in the opinion of a veterinarian, the animal would not suffer as a consequence of such exemption; (b) an animal is not to be kept alive or cannot benefit from the provisions of Article 5 concerning its well-being, it shall be killed by a humane method as soon as possible. Each Member State shall designate the authority or authorities responsible for verifying that the provisions of this Directive are properly carried out. The Commission shall report before the end of 1987 on the possibility of modifying tests and guidelines laid down in existing Community legislation taking into account the objectives referred to in paragraph 1. The High Contracting Parties shall refrain from any act of hostility directed against transport under special protection. This information serves as guidance to states and tribes in adopting water quality standards. Article 10Member States shall ensure that any re-use of animals in experiments shall be compatible with the provisions of this Directive. Article 251. They shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof. 'humane' methods) of killing or marking an animal; an, experiment starts when an animal is first prepared for use. In particular, these records shall show the number and species of all animals acquired, from whom they were acquired and the date of their arrival. 5. The Deposit Protection Fund of the Association of German Banks secures the deposits of each and every customer at the private commercial banks up to a ceiling of 20% of the relevant liable capital of the respective bank as at the date of the last published annual financial statements. While this entry focuses on U.S. financial services regulation, it broadly reflects what occurs elsewhere. Moreover, satisfying political agendas in order to pass an Act may allow non-essential, personally motivated and sometimes frivolous regulations to … 269Act 29 of 1986 (a) under this Act, or the rules made thereunder, or (b) under any other law for the time being in force which is relatable to the objects of this Act; (ii) planning and execution of a nation-wide programme for the prevention, control and abatement of environmental pollution; Official Journal L 358 , 18/12/1986 P. 0001 - 0028 Finnish special edition: Chapter 15 Volume 7 P. 0157 Swedish special edition: Chapter 15 Volume 7 P. 0157, COUNCIL DIRECTIVEof 24 November 1986on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States regarding the protection of animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes(86/609/EEC)THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 100 thereof, Having regard to the proposal from the Commission (1), Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament (2), Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee (3), Whereas there exist between the national laws at present in force for the protection of animals used for certain experimental purposes disparities which may affect the functioning of the common market; Whereas, in order to eliminate these disparities, the laws of the Member States should be harmonized; whereas such harmonization should ensure that the number of animals used for experimental or other scientific purposes is reduced to a minimum, that such animals are adequately cared for, that no pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm are inflicted unnecessarily and ensure that, where unavoidable, these shall be kept to the minimum; Whereas, in particular, unnecessary duplication of experiments should be avoided, (1) OJ N° C 351, 31. Previously “consumer was asked to beware” but these days fingers have been pointed to seller “let seller be beware” as due to policies introduced, governmentlaws, consumer protection, NGO and the increased competition in the market. This supports orderly resolution and timely pay out of FSCS-covered deposits to depositors. 4.1 Environmental protection policies and associated regulations EPPs are created under Part III of the EP Act and carry the force of law as though they had been enacted as part of the EP Act (s. 33 of the EP Act). One of the world’s most outstanding and simple enactment of our parliament is Consumer Protection Act, 1986. The Minister of Manpower has, in terms of section 35 of the Machinery and Occupational Safety Act, 1983 (Act 6 of 1983) made the regulations contained in the Schedule hereto. Where an unmarked dog, cat or non-human primate is taken into an establishment for the first time after it has been weaned it shall be marked as soon as possible. At the end of any experiment, it shall be decided whether the animal shall be kept alive or killed by a humane method, subject to the condition that it shall not be kept alive if, even though it has been restored to normal health in all other respects, it is likely to remain in lasting pain or distress. 4. In a choice between experiments, those which use the minimum number of animals, involve animals with the lowest degree of neurophysiological sensitivity, cause the least pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm and which are most likely to provide satisfactory results shall be selected. The following regulations are in place under the EPA: 1. 1. 12. (a) an animal is to be kept alive, it shall receive the care appropriate to its state of health, be placed under the supervision of a veterinarian or other competent person and shall be kept under conditions conforming to the requirements of Article 5. All enterprises should obey the relevant laws and regulations of the countries in which they do business. 8. While the regulations in Scotland apply to landlords as the person requiring the deposit, in a landmark case, a letting agent was fined for failing to protect deposits on behalf of their client. Persons who carry out experiments or take part in them and persons who take care of animals used for experiments, including duties of a supervisory nature, shall have appropriate education and training. The Essential (Protection of Depositors) Regulation 1986 promugulated on 20 July 1986 allowed BNM to freeze the assets of KOSATU and its key management and also to investigate into the affairs of the cooperatives . A supplying establishment shall obtain animals only from a breeding or other supplying establishment unless the animal has been lawfully imported and is not a feral or stray animal. Article 4Each Member State shall ensure that experiments using animals considered as endangered under Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora and Annex C.I. Such a simple law is not gifted to many countries. The Commission and Member States shall monitor trends in experimental methods. However, the establishments shall comply with the relevant provisions of this Directive concerning breeding and user establishments. 4. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the increase in the standard maximum deposit insurance amount to $250,000 shall apply to depositors in any institution for which the Corporation was appointed as receiver or conservator on or after January 1, 2008, and before October 3, 2008. Article 231. Particulars of the identity and origin of each dog, cat or non-human primate shall be entered in the records of each establishment. Experiments on animals taken from the wild may not be carried out unless experiments on other animals would not suffice for the aims of the experiment. To that end, Member States shall, where practicable and without prejudice to the requirements of existing Community Directives, furnish information to the Commission on their legislation and administrative practice relating to animal experiments, including requirements to be satisfied prior to the marketing of products; they shall also supply factual information on experiments carried out in their territory and on authorizations or any other administrative particulars pertaining to these experiments. In particular, persons carrying out or supervising the conduct of experiments shall have received instruction in a scientific discipline relevant to the experimental work being undertaken and be capable of handling and taking care of laboratory animals; they shall also have satisfied the authority that they have attained a level of training sufficient for carrying out their tasks. When an experiment has to be performed, the choice of species shall be carefully considered and, where necessary, explained to the authority. Where an unmarked dog, cat or non-human primate is taken into an establishment for the first time after it has been weaned it shall be marked as soon as possible. User establishments shall be subject to periodic inspection by representatives of the authority. Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament (2). Council Directive 86/278/EEC of 12 June 1986 on the protection of the environment, and in particular of the soil, when sewage sludge is used in agriculture Official Journal L 181 , 04/07/1986 P. 0006 - 0012 Finnish special edition: Chapter 15 Volume 7 P. 0127 Swedish … C) depositors arriving first have the best chance of withdrawing their funds. 2. SCHEDULE . . A consumer is the one who assumes to be treated like a King as they bring business to the seller. Each authority shall prescribe the records which are to be kept and made available to it by the person responsible for the establishments mentioned in paragraph 1; such records shall be kept for a minimum of three years from the date of the last entry and shall undergo periodic inspection by officers of the authority. Advantages & Disadvantages of Instituting Environmental Laws. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the provisions of national law which they adopt in the field covered by this Directive. Press Spacebar or Enter to select, // Prudential Regulation // Policy statement, // Prudential Regulation // Consultation paper, The implementation of ring-fencing: consultation on legal structure, governance and the continuity of services and facilities - CP19/14, Ensuring operational continuity in resolution – DP1/14. For more information on how these cookies work please see our Cookie policy. Article 171. Stray animals of domestic species shall not be used in experiments. The consultation closed on Tuesday 6 January 2015. Update: On 16 January 2017, the PRA published PS1/17 ‘Deposit protection limit’ which provides feedback to responses to Consultation Paper (CP) 41/16 ‘Deposit protection limit’. User establishments shall be registered with, or approved by, the authority. Consumer Protectionis a term given to a practice wherein we need to protect the consumer from th… Member States shall take all necessary steps to ensure that the confidentiality of commercially sensitive information communicated pursuant to this Directive is protected. Protection will be up to £1million in most cases. In user establishments, only animals from breeding or supplying establishments shall be used unless a general or special exemption has been obtained under arrangements determined by the authority. 1. If anaesthesia is not possible, analgesics or other appropriate methods should be used in order to ensure as far as possible that pain, suffering, distress or harm are limited and that in any event the animal is not subject to severe pain, distress or suffering. Animals belonging to the species listed in Annex I which are to be used in experiments shall be bred animals unless a general or special exemption has been obtained under arrangements determined by the authority. 3. The Essential Commodities Act, 1955 Jammu & Kashmir Consumer Protection Act 1987 The Prevention of Black Marketing and Maintenance of Supplies of Essential Commodities Act, 1980 At regular intervals not exceeding three years, and for the first time five years following notification of this Directive, Member States shall inform the Commission of the measures taken in this area and provide a suitable summary of the information collected under the provisions of Article 13. Core lockdown regulations. The decisions referred to in paragraph 1 shall be taken by a competent person, preferably a veterinarian. It is also relevant to the FSCS, as the UK’s Deposit Guarantee Scheme (DGS), and depositors, as beneficiaries of deposit protection. 1. All experiments shall be designed to avoid distress and unnecessary pain and suffering to the experimental animals. Experiments shall be performed solely by competent authorized persons, or under the direct responsibility of such a person, or if the experimental or other scientific project concerned is authorized in accordance with the provisions of national legislation. EPPs may be accompanied by regulations under the EP Act (Figure 2). Article 61. All experiments shall be designed to avoid distress and unnecessary pain and suffering to the experimental animals. In the framework of the implementation of this Directive, Member States shall adopt the necessary measures in order that the designated authority mentioned in paragraph 1 above may have the advice of experts competent for the matters in question. 3. Experiments may, where authorized by the authority, be conducted outside user establishments. Control of Pesticides Regulations (COPR): The basics. 1. User establishments shall be registered with, or approved by, the authority. Use, Other sites managed by the Publications Office, Environment, consumers and health protection, The twelve Member States: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, United Kingdom, Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,, Select all documents based on this document, Select all legislative procedures based on this document, Select all documents mentioning this document, Display the Official Journal containing the document, Portal of the Publications Office of the EU, A14 Proceedings concerning failure by Member States, A22 Proceedings concerning failure by Member States, A25 Proceedings concerning failure by Member States, A04 Proceedings concerning failure by Member States, A07P3 Proceedings concerning failure by Member States, A11 Proceedings concerning failure by Member States, A12P2 Proceedings concerning failure by Member States, A18P1 Proceedings concerning failure by Member States, A18P3 Proceedings concerning failure by Member States, A22P1 Proceedings concerning failure by Member States. General or special exemption from this last provision may be granted to a supplying establishment under arrangements determined by the authority. In particular, Member States may require a prior authorization for experiments or programmes of work notified in accordance with the provisions of Article 12 (1). However, the establishments shall comply with the relevant provisions of this Directive concerning breeding and user establishments. 4. Experiments may, where authorized by the authority, be conducted outside user establishments. The Control of Pesticides Regulations (COPR) is one of the laws that controls biocides in Great Britain (GB) and Northern Ireland (NI) to make sure that when they are used properly, they do not harm people, pets or the wider environment. In the framework of the implementation of this Directive, Member States shall adopt the necessary measures in order that the designated authority mentioned in paragraph 1 above may have the advice of experts competent for the matters in question. We’d also like to use some non-essential cookies (including third-party cookies) to help us improve the site. WALDEGRAVE, on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States regarding the protection of animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes. Companies wouldn't invest in high infrastructure costs without governments to shield them. Article 20When user establishments breed animals for use in experiments on their own premises, only one registration or approval is needed for the purposes of Article 15 and 19. We use analytics cookies so we can keep track of the number of visitors to various parts of the site and understand how our website is used. A) all depositors share equally in the bank's funds during a crisis. Experiments on animals taken from the wild may not be carried out unless experiments on other animals would not suffice for the aims of the experiment. SCHEDULE . The coronavirus pandemic has convinced me that financial literacy education, from kindergarteners to senior citizens, is more essential than ever … Article 2For the purposes of this Directive the following definitions shall apply: (a)'animal' unless otherwise qualified, means any live non-human vertebrate, including free-living larval and/or reproducing larval forms, but excluding foetal or embryonic forms; (b)'experimental animals' means animals used or to be used in experiments; (c)'bred animals' means animals specially bred for use in experiments in facilities approved by, or registered with, the authority; (d)'experiment' means any use of an animal for experimental or other scientific purposes which may cause it pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm, including any course of action intended, or liable, to result in the birth of an animal in any such condition, but excluding the least painful methods accepted in modern practice (i.e. of Regulation (EEC) N° 3626/82 (1) are prohibited unless they are in conformity with the above Regulation and the objects of the experiment are: - research aimed at preservation of the species in question, or- essential biomedical purposes where the species in question exceptionally proves to be the only one suitable for those purposes. A general exemption made under the conditions of this paragraph may not extend to stray dogs and cats. Article 16The approval or the registration provided for in Article 15 shall specify the competent person responsible for the establishment entrusted with the task of administering, or arranging for the administration of, appropriate care to the animals bred or kept in the establishment and of ensuring compliance with the requirements of Articles 5 and 14. Rules and regulations made under the UK Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 for the protection of depositors and investors, including the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, do not apply to the financial services business of companies within the Lloyds Banking Group carried out from offices outside of the United Kingdom. View more Other prudential regulation releases, Thanks! 2. 1. 4. The Commission and Member States should encourage research into the development and validation of alternative techniques which could provide the same level of information as that obtained in experiments using animals but which involve fewer animals or which entail less painful procedures, and shall take such other steps as they consider appropriate to encourage research in this field. B) depositors arriving last are just as likely to receive their funds as those arriving first. 12. Arrangements shall be made for user establishments to have installations and equipment suited to the species of animals used and the performance of the experiments conducted there; their design, construction and method of functioning shall be such as to ensure that the experiments are performed as effectively as possible, with the. User establishments shall keep records of all animals used and produce them whenever required to do so by the authority. In particular, persons carrying out or supervising the conduct of experiments shall have received instruction in a scientific discipline relevant to the experimental work being undertaken and be capable of handling and taking care of laboratory animals; they shall also have satisfied the authority that they have attained a level of training sufficient for carrying out their tasks. Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 100 thereof. 3. 3. 3. Author : Shiva Vishnoi. The State Council declared the list of the second batch of historical and cultural cities. Transport under special protection shall take place under the international supervision provided for in the aforesaid Regulations and shall display the distinctive emblem described in Article 16. The provisions of this Act, 1986 order to avoid unnecessary duplication of experiments for Council... 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