And what else in terms of arriving at it? Can you give us maybe another one for the belonging or inclusion, and then maybe the top three for the other three stages? And there’s another concept that I teach elsewhere where I talk about the missing minute and restoring that minute to your day. That’s good. And is there a particular nugget you share that really seems to connect and resonate with folks; they quote it back to you frequently? Another study out Michigan State found that just under a three-second interruption doubles the likelihood of making a mistake. Pete Mockaitis How about we start with skillset? Timothy Clark Well, honestly, the best way that I have to counter it, and it’s not going to work well in a podcast, but I can tell people where they can get it and, of course, it’s in the book. So, there’s that. A lot of the stuff that you have at work is not an emergency; it’s just an impatience-y. Wann gilt der eBay-Käuferschutz?. So, part of it is the ghost in the machine, is “What’s been created that’s doing this?” And part of it though is just human behavior. What I’ve found is that many of our sales folks, their individual contributors in the organization, they’re using the curiosity with their customers. Pete Mockaitis What’s the plan for tomorrow and the rest of the week? All right. “Let’s get together, let’s have a conversation, let’s agree, how long can we wait? Pete Mockaitis Well, I kind of wondered, I read these books about character and it’s talked about things like integrity, it talks about things like work ethic. So, the thing about core values is that, far too often, people are picking words that they want to be more of and not words that they are. What is the myth of multitasking? One of my favorite comedians, Gary Gulman, says calling an iPhone a phone is like calling a Lexus convertible a cup holder. Well, the great news is that we are seeing that year-over-year trending increasing. And the difference is they take action when other people are still thinking about it. Focusing on the right things, letting go of things that you don’t need to focus on. Psychological safety is dynamic, it is delicate, and the job is never done. 44K likes. Dave Crenshaw You think you’re gaining 10 minutes a day from your upgraded computer? And you read the second one and you become worth about $5 more. But we get the advice of pick somebody who shares the same values as you. Davon profitierst du immer dann, wenn du mit PayPal, Kreditkarte oder Lastschrift zahlst. 06:07 Lucy-cat Pov Facial 86% 3994. And, yet, our core skillset has many different ways of expressing itself when you know what that is. So, in many corporations, there is an employee poll, asking questions of like, “Does your manager coach you? That means I can invest $300 to increase my productivity by 2%. They’re still incurring switching costs. We’re assigning you to dissent. Oh, yeah, yeah. Here’s another one, and this one is backed up by research that’s come out of the MIT Human Dynamics Lab. With a business strategy focus, Andrea has 15+ years of international experience in organizations from 50 to 100,000+ employees with a multi-industry background including Technology Solutions & Services, Business Management Consulting, and Telecommunications. When we have sympathy, it’s about us. And that escort takes you around to the other team members, and you have very brief hop-on hop-off interviews of 5, 10 minutes each where you literally make the introduction to each person on the team, you say, “I’d like you to meet Pete. And, again, will that get rid of all switches? So, for example, with stage one, inclusion safety, it’s very important that you learn people’s names, you learn how to pronounce them, and you use people’s names. Andrea Wanerstrand Dave Crenshaw Andrea Wanerstrand Olive the Sheep Can’t Sleep by Clementina Almedia and Camila Silva. Stay current with additional news, entertainment, and lifestyle programming from American Heroes Channel, CNBC World, Cooking Channel, Crime + Investigation, Destination America, Discovery Family, Discovery Life, DIY Network, Military History Channel, and Science. Should I go? Yes, it can be done but you got to practice. But, of course, I’m capable of being good at math. Dave, thanks so much for joining us again on the How to be Awesome at Your Job podcast. He is like a rock star in the poetry world. And so, I guess one story that comes to mind for me is I remember one of my first jobs, I was an intern, and my buddy Dan and I, we kept writing emails that somehow seem to like tick people off or offend them accidentally without us intending to. Well, I think I mentioned it earlier. Andrea Wanerstrand We’ve gone to $20 million. Yeah, so I spent my early boyhood in southern Colorado, kind of in the Durango area, and the reason that we were there is that my dad, out of college, he took a job as a teacher among the Navajo, and so I kind of grew up with them, which is, you may know, or some of your listeners may know, it’s a big tribe. Sure. It’s been a pleasure, Pete. The #1 reason why people end up exhausted in their careers, Ashley Stahl is counter-terrorism professional turned career coach and author of the book, You Turn: Get Unstuck, Discover Your Direction, Design Your Dream Career. Okay. And there’s a cascading effect when the manager uses it and the employee uses it, and then the customer benefits. It’s a similar concept. Start your free trial to watch Saturday Night Live and other popular TV shows and movies including new releases, classics, Hulu Originals, and more. It’s taking a look at your core skillset, and saying, “How do I ask my manager…?” or if you’re a business owner, “How do I carry this into my business and initiate a project that allows me to kind of morph what I’m doing in that direction?” So, let’s say you’re working in tech but you want to be a writer. And then the tenth one is beauty, and I love this one. And I also think a lot of people kind of get stuck on this idea of clarity. For instance, I’ve done this. So, could you lay it on there, is there a distinction there? It’s just simple; just copying numbers and letters, right? And instead of asking them in a verbal conversation, I’ll have them text me back or something like that so I can have that information. Oh, yeah, I’m right with you. Be forgiving and just show how you are in your response patterns, and you will earn trust and credibility that much faster. This other product launch was so successful and profitable. Andrea Wanerstrand Pete Mockaitis And then number nine is technology. We don’t feel our feelings. Jason Bateman hosts Saturday Night Live on December 5, 2020 with musical guest Morgan Wallen. So, one way to kind of tune in to your core motivator is in your job interviews, really asking yourself, “How does this manifest for me?” So, I’ll go through, there’s ten just like the core skillset, if it’s helpful for me to go through all ten. Did I really gain that much time? Timothy Clark Well, we don’t have time to wait for that. I can help you.” And then suddenly they would go straight into emulating him, and they go, “Get down, we have to get out of here.”. Register for FREE Dating! So, for an individual with a coach mindset, we really look at not only the strong empowering technique of coaching, which is that folks can learn the most from self-discovery. And the one insight that I gained from them that was bigger than anything else is they said, “You know what, this is what we do. Don Miller So, you can have these negotiations, this training, whatever you want to think of it, that we all get on the same page as much as is possible. Fodboldnyheder fra Superligaen, Premier League, Champions League, Landshold og resten af verden - døgnet rundt, året rundt. You’ll have more value on the open market.”, We had one person once who got pretty huffy about that and they were pretty upset about it, and they said, “Well, I disagree with you and we’re going to have to have further conversation.” Great. It’s all about them, it’s not about you. Free trial available at, 055: Coaching Questions of Mass Instruction with Michael Bungay Stanier, 297: Encouraging Insight Through More Coach-like Conversations with Michael Bungay Stanier, 555: Why We Fail to Empower, Inspire, and Engage: Unmasking the The Advice Trap with Michael Bungay Stanier, 635: Shifting Your Team from Survival to Performance through Psychological Safety with Dr. Timothy Clark, 634: How to Get Ahead in Your Career by Developing Your Professional Value with Don Miller, 633: How to Get Unstuck, and Find Your Perfect Career Fit with Ashley Stahl, 632: How to Reclaim 40 Hours Every Month (WITHOUT Multitasking!) We talk about core skillsets. So, there’s a line there of respect and of acknowledgement for what you’re saying. And, suddenly, I had 30 employees and we scaled this business to, we’ll do about 20 million this year. She gets me. So, one way it can look is being a mechanic, a construction worker, a little bit more tactical. And what we find is those that we have taught to be more coach-like score significantly higher and have more engagement with their employees. And why? It’s the reduction of switching costs. And this is something my business coach taught me years ago. Where does that come from? I’m just going to do the thing that really needs to be done now,” and so that’s a variety of ease. So, you’ve got to get good at what you do. Meaning, giving yourself just 60 seconds for nothing. So, for contributor safety, I would cite, let me see, one example is that what you do, if you’re the leader of the team, you talk about the things that you have tried that did not work. Because you are such a good investment that, “When we give you a paycheck, we get so much more in return.”. All right. And then the third was find a redemptive perspective for your suffering. By the way, I like to think of these, I call these switch busters. The next person you talk to, give them 100% of your attention. And if folks want to learn more or get in touch, where would you point them? But the external way of expressing the words core skillset is more of a speaker, a spokesperson. Andrea Wanerstrand The leads from that has turned into another $4 million, so that’s $8 million. In fact, don’t try to make it perfect. Is that a natural place for you? I’ve told a bestselling author that I couldn’t afford to bring to one of my conferences, I said, “Look, I’ve written a lot of bestselling books. to of and a in " 's that for on is The was with said as at it by from be have he has his are an ) not ( will who I had their -- were they but been this which more or its would about : after up $ one than also 't out her you year when It two people - all can over last first But into ' He A we In she other new years could there ? The fact that you might see that you got a whole bunch of new subscribers to your podcast, going back to that example, right? When I slack off at work and I feel guilty, I just tell myself, “This is part of my creative process.”. You need to enable JavaScript to run this app. It’s been the most eye-opening helpful discovery in my life. So, in particular, the coaching as a service is still a standard format for modality of coaching in our organization and we’ve gone deep in the last two years with coaching as a capability. And so, in order to have something big and bold like that, you’ve really got to embrace a different mindset. Pete Mockaitis They will retreat and recoil into a mode of personal risk management because what happens is that if the psychological safety is not there, if you’re in fear-based organization, or fear-based team, the fear triggers what we call the self-censoring instinct, and we all have one. Why don’t you fly home with me?” And I said, “Well, what flight are you on?” And he said, “Well, no, I have an airplane.” The next morning, I get on this $50 million jet with this guy, and I’m asking what he does. Ashley Stahl Do we have any quantifications on any of that? God knows the world needs these people. How do you think about that? I think the dominant pursuit of men is the pursuit of meaning. We launched it two years ago this January 2021. Well, a real challenge I’m having is just our kids sleeping and me sleeping. If it doesn’t work, that doesn’t mean that the principle is broken. Andrea Wanerstrand And this is moving that dial from a know-it-all culture where we were the only game in town for a very long time, to, “Now we have competition. Like, I shouldn’t be refreshing my podcast stats on a holiday? If you have positional power, absolutely never speak first, give your opinion or your point of view first. I’ve got it hanging on my wall right here next to me. So, what I cover in the book is helping people understand what really is occurring in their day when they try to do multiple things at the same time, and identify whether they’re being productive when they do it, or whether they’re really screwing things up while they’re attempting it. So, tell me, how are you having fun these days? Through her two viral TEDx speeches, her online courses, her email list of 500,000 and her show, You Turn Podcast, she’s been able to support clients in 31 countries in discovering their best career path, upgrading their confidence and landing more job offers. And the power of coaching such as, “What’s on your mind?” or, “What’s the real challenge going on here?” and showing up with curiosity has allowed the connection with our customers to be accelerated, it takes less time to actually get to something that’s something actionable and has an outcome for our sellers when they deploy these types of techniques with our customers. Generally, this is done in a lot of organizations. Pete Mockaitis Dave Crenshaw Something like a Twitter was just barely starting to surface at that time. Think about it as if you’re a player on a team, you’re playing offense or defense. In fact, all people managers at Microsoft are required over the next year to complete our core coaching habit training that we’ve done. And so, if you understand how to engage conflict and resolve conflict and the ways to do that, you are going to rise because people hire you to solve problems. And do you have a final challenge or call to action for folks looking to be awesome at their jobs? Correct. I look at the text message, I read it, I go, “Okay.” And they’re asking these questions, I say, “All right,” I type back the answer “42,” I send it back. That’s been, well, it’s one of my favorite habits. Could you tell us a bit about that? And that is simply because that’s what we’ve seen our entire life. And you kind of want to think about this as an energy, not just a tactical skillset. Like, what do we have to gain or lose when we have it or don’t have it? Now, let me get clear on what my core skillset so I don’t go into a career that demands my energy but isn’t using my core skill.” So, I think your skillset is really a filter for your options. If you stay here for two or three more years, I think you’ll learn a lot more. And your core nature is just sort of like your essence, your you-ness, your “What do I feel when you enter the room?”. And if I was doing a professional coaching session with you, I probably would’ve been going deeper with you, and we would’ve traversed maybe some other challenges, like, with curiosity, I was like, “Okay, so why is your wife having a harder time than you with this there?” But, again, staying in curiosity, helping the other individual for self-discovery for them, “What’s going on?” to empower them, to have hope, to not be closing down and feeling hopeless, those are the attributes of powerful coaching that can, even with two people who’ve never really chatted before, because you and I haven’t really had in-depth conversations prior to today, you can still instill some hope in somebody else. And can you paint a picture for sort of what’s the current state in terms of coaching at Microsoft? Oh, yes. So, when you actually realize that, you start learning the skillsets that allow you to be a good investment. And that also includes things like starting the printer, printing a job, delegating a task to a coworker. So, while I can’t give you a dollar amount, I can tell you that it is significant and it is of a nature that we see immediate business results. Dave Crenshaw Timothy Clark The internal way of expressing it is as a writer, or a content creator, I mean, there are so many different ways, as an editorial strategist, whatever have you. So, the way that I think about that is that, first of all, let’s go back to psychological safety is a function of two things. Pete Mockaitis Schedule time to work on that most valuable activity during that time. This is kind of what it sounds, the bookkeeper, the accountant, the investment banker, the financial modeler. All right. How are you today? What?” So, I appreciate our time together. All right. I think we’ve built a real good why, so let’s really rip into the how. Some will say there’s no difference at all. It’s more self-focused. This is a career that gives you validation. And so, we’re seeing results on both sides of the coin, if you will. The psychological safety has to be sufficient that you’re able to ask questions, give and receive feedback, make mistakes, experiment, so, that’s the second question, “Am I growing?”. And your point on common sense there, it’s so compelling because people have wildly different expectations. Dave Crenshaw And a favorite book? And then, of course, my website, all sorts of free resources there for you. Andrea Wanerstrand And I try to tell people don’t go for much more than that, don’t choose many more than that because it’s hard to juggle that in your career. Like, if he can crack the code on more compelling communications or whatnot, he can work less or, if he wants to, hey, work more to get more commission. It’s at That comes down to their core skillset, their job title, how they’re bringing their energy into work and what their responsibilities look like. I hate that I’m saying it because it feels really trite but it was really hard for me to get into fitness. This is the IT genius, the artificial intelligence visionary. So, coaching is a technique and it’s a powerful technique. Pete Mockaitis About 12 years ago, I read Man’s Search for Meaning, and he saved my life. And what should these channels be used for? Pete Mockaitis We did that about five years. And, tell me, if folks want to learn more or get in touch, where would you point them? I can’t imagine ever living like this.”. And I love to get your view, right now, I’m thinking of a lawyer friend of mine. I do entrepreneurial math. Could I use Fiverr? Well, the most inspiring story is just our team and what we’ve done. I had clients who go through my training and I’ll tell them, “When you go through this training, you’re going to recover about 40 hours every single month,” and they think that’s insane, that’s an unbelievable claim, and I used to hear it coming out of my mouth and say it’s an unbelievable claim. Pete Mockaitis Yeah, perhaps I have a chip on my shoulder but I grew up really poor and mom wasn’t home till about 7:00 p.m. and so I just learned bad habits and didn’t pay much attention in school. Yeah, it was pretty subtle. And what I wanted was you start this book being worth $15 an hour, you end it worth being $150 an hour if you actually execute the skills that you learn in the book. Can you give me the top three? Ashley Stahl Now I have to return to the email I was writing, I have to re-read everything that I was doing, I have to get my train of thought back to that frame of reference, and then I can start working again. And there’s a lot that I have to say about this core skillset. Absolutely. The problem is, first of all, most people are using one word to describe multiple options, so they say multitasking, and we create a lot of confusion when people use that word. And I could go on about this stuff forever but, hopefully, everybody listening can kind of take that time to look at their core values. Well, you got one more. I know it hasn’t been around. Yeah, you’re deep into it. He also negotiated that nobody on the sidelines can wear a red baseball cap except for him. But what I love about Viktor Frankl is, and Sigmund Freud at the time Frankl was alive, was going around saying, “The dominant desire of men is to pursue pleasure.” And about the same time, Alfred Adler was going around, more or less interpreting Nietzsche, saying, “The dominant pursuit of men is the pursuit of power.” And Viktor Frankl came along and said, “In my opinion, you’re both wrong. A lot of other things are still the same. And then number nine is spending. 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