In that case it would also feel obliged to see to it that any new prayer still displayed the Roman genius, so that the Roman Mass would continue to be faithful to the spirit of the Roman liturgy (Bugnini, p.449). The Eucharist … c. July 10, 1967: In view of the forthcoming Synod of Bishops, Pope Paul VI wrote to the Consilium with these instructions: “You are authorized to prepare a booklet [containing the new anaphoras] that is to be given to the Fathers of the coming Synod; all things considered, however, it is advisable that the formula of consecration not be changed.”13. 4 – 6 : September – November 1996 (Originally published in three parts, but reproduced in full here). The other three Eucharistic prayers in the Roman Missal are of later origin, and they reflect the historical evolution of the anaphora, or canon, of the Mass in various parts of the Roman Empire. Modern houses, on the other hand, are usually functional and efficient, but often built of cheap materials, and very frequently unattractive to the eye. Of course, post hoc does not necessarily mean propter hoc. 3) Is the solution proposed in n. 39a of the schema acceptable? Churches. The Cardinal Prefect’s report to the Secretariat of State, April 12, 1972, was more balanced and modest in tone, but still included the suggestion that episcopal conferences “in extraordinary circumstances, and then case by case” should be given permission to prepare new Eucharistic Prayers. Bugnini, pp. When the Roman Rite had a single Eucharistic Prayer (between the Council of Trent and Vatican II), it was called the Canon of the Mass. Bugnini, p.466 for a list of these concessions. note 6. Between the Council of Trent and the reform of the Catholic Mass (liturgy), undertaken in 1969 (see Mass of Paul VI), the only anaphora used in the Roman Rite was the Roman Canon (or Canon of the Mass). In the process of the work, the question of the Roman canon inevitably arose. This draft text was prepared during the summer months, and was sent to the study group on September 8, 1972. Nevertheless, what happened is something verifiable and concrete. Two such initiatives were published in scholarly journals: that of Hans Küng4 in 1963 and Karl Amon5 in 1965.6 Many other newly-composed Eucharistic Prayers followed, some of them published, some of them not. The Latin text of the two reconciliation anaphoras was not published until 1983, on the occasion of the special Jubilee Year of the Redemption: Notitiae 19 (1983) 270-279. 5. The main currently used anaphoras belonging to this family are the following, divided by rite: The Byzantine Rite uses three anaphoras, which are the core part of the Divine Liturgies which take the same name: The anaphora is introduced with the Opening Dialogue between priest and choir/congregation:[23]. When the Council optimistically opened the windows of the Church to the world, this was the wind that blew in. DOL #248, pp.623-629. Pastorally, the Eucharistic Prayers are three-way conversations involving God, the gathered assembly, and the ordained presider (priest or bishop). When breaking the bread, the leader recited this blessing: “Blessed be thou, JHWH, our God, King of the universe, who bringest forth bread from the earth.” (Again, similar to the priest’s words at the Offertory of Mass.) Thus, we can also view the Eucharistic Prayer … Why aren’t more people aware of the enormity of this change? The fourth Eucharistic prayer is hardly ever used; in part because it is long, in part because in some places in the U.S. it has been unofficially banned because of its frequent use of the word “man”. In Vagaggini’s book on the Roman canon, prepared for Study Group 10 of the Consilium (the group responsible for implementing the Council’s reform), the basic argument in favor of change is that the Roman canon is marred by serious defects of structure and theology. The Congregation for Divine Worship then dutifully drafted the Instruction in the form of a circular letter on January 20, 1973. 3… After having studied how we got from one Eucharistic Prayer to many, and after offering some reasons as to why things happened the way they did, it is now time to pose the question: how should we respond to the situation? Why did it happen? 460-465): a. April, 1967: the schema was approved by the presidential council of the Consilium, then by the Fathers. Copyright © 2020 Adoremus. E-mail: [email protected]. (i.e. 6 Both texts are conveniently cited in Cipriano Vagaggini, The Canon of the Mass and Liturgical Reform (Staten Island, NY: Alba House, 1967), pp.76-83. In the explanations given for these new texts, a certain emphasis was placed upon their length. “The average layman did not realize that 1600 years of tradition had suddenly vanished like a lost civilization, leaving few traces behind, and those of interest only to archaeologists and tourists.”. If the Roman canon were once again to have pride of place, then the other Eucharistic Prayers could be used as supplementary or auxiliary anaphoras, for the sake of variety, according to pastoral need. Bugnini, p.462. The liturgical anarchy that ensued left traces which are still in evidence today. People And also with you. One feature that eventually became a part of all the early Eucharistic prayers was the Sanctus hymn, based on Isaiah 6:3 … 2. (i.e. The first approved Eucharistic Prayers are four: In the years after the reform of Pope Paul VI other Eucharistic Prayers were authorized: A typical characteristic of the Latin rites different from the Roman Rite is the great variability of portions of the Roman Canon which change according to the liturgical year and the Mass. It culminates with the Oblation in which the bread and wine is lifted up while the priest exclaims: "Thine own of thine own we offer unto thee on behalf of all and for all.". Each part of an old building has its own history, and old rambling houses like this are truly wonderful: but they are not neat. Official documents published by the Consilium in order to justify the change, repeat this same line of argument. It is the shortest of all four Eucharistic Prayers … Eucharistic Prayer III. Not only would the saying of the canon in the vernacular reveal its flaws, according to this school of thought, but it would also become repetitious and monotonous. [20] The "notion of a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving", dating back to Irenaeus, is emphasized in the United Methodist Church's "anamnesis and offering: 'And so in remembrance of these your mighty acts in Jesus Christ, we offer ourselves as a holy and living sacrifice, in union with Christ's offering for us, as we proclaim the mystery of faith: Christ has died...'"[20] The Methodist Rite, as with the Presbyterian liturgy, places the Memorial Acclamation "after the anamnesis and offering". Father Cassian Folsom, O.S.B., is a scholar of sacred music and liturgy, a cancer survivor, and the founder and prior emeritus of the Monks of Norcia. This important liturgical family includes many well studied historical anaphoras, as the Anaphora of the Apostolic Tradition, the Liturgy of the seventh book of the Apostolic Constitutions and the Liturgy of the eighth book of the Apostolic Constitutions. Part One: The Eucharistic Prayer 1. 3) Is it enough that the Holy See should provide some models to be adapted by the episcopal conferences? In its first meeting, November 13-15, 1973, it was decided to composed three Eucharistic Prayers for Masses with children and two for the Holy Year. Thus for the last twenty-five years, the Roman rite has had the experience of many Eucharistic Prayers. Church teaching places the origin of the Eucharist in the Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples, at which he is believed to have taken bread and given it to his disciples, telling them to eat of it, because it was … Steps in the process toward official promulgation. 2. Cassian studied music before joining the monastic community of Saint Meinrad in 1974. There should not be only three further Eucharistic Prayers, but a good many more: these should be taken from the Eastern liturgies. scholars think this is the way that the Sanctus entered the tradition of eucharistic prayers. The Ambrosian Rite during the centuries has lost its ancient variety, even if it maintains a richness of choices for the Preface and its first Eucharistic Prayer is slightly different form the Roman one mainly in the Words of Institution. ", The anaphoras currently used by the Syro-Antiochene Rite (or West Syriac Rite) are numerous and the main are:[24]. When I went to be trained in the Tridentine Mass, I was extremely surprised to be told that Eucharistic Prayer II was created at a restaurant. Certain other requests were turned down, however (cf. The Dutch Episcopal conference, in the person of Bishop Jean Bluyssen of Hertogenbosch, president of the national liturgical commission and himself a member of the post-conciliar commission for the carrying out of the liturgical reforms (hereafter referred to as the Consilium), made an official request to the Holy See for permission to use these texts. [The guidelines also stated that all Christian churches “the Roman rite excepted” use “a great variety” of anaphoras-Ed.]. Thus a special study group was appointed on September 17, 1971 to look into the matter. When I was first learning Italian, I would usually chose Eucharistic Prayer II because it was the shortest and the easiest for a foreigner to “get through.” When I would stumble on a word or phrase, the old woman who served as sacristan, sitting in the first pew, would pipe out the correction loud and clear, from memory. Born in Lynn, Massachusetts in 1955, Fr. These six reasons do not pretend to be exhaustive. 17 “La publication“, Notitiae 4 (1968) 146-148; DOL #243, pp.612-613. The texts, therefore, of ancient anaphoras, were readily available. 26 Cf. The Holy See reserves to itself (emphasis in original) the authority to prepare new Eucharistic Prayers in particular cases” (Bugnini, p.475, n.33). The eucharistic prayer … Bugnini reports that “the group held its fourth and final meeting on September 25-26, in a somewhat “disheartened” atmosphere” (Bugnini, p.473). Bugnini attributes the delay to the “usual interferences.” In addition, the Secretary of State insisted on January 28, 1968, that a suitable instruction be issued along with the new texts. 470-471). that the Congregation for Divine Worship should prepare guidelines for the episcopal conferences to use in making their own judgments). To describe the structure of the Anaphoras as it became standardized from the 4th century, we can look at the structure of the anaphoras in the Antiochene family of liturgies (West Syriac Rite and Byzantine Rite) [2]:6 which display an order and logic that finds no equal elsewhere. Another important source is the anaphora described in the Mystagogical Cathecheses of Theodore of Mopsuestia.[10]. the Roman Canon, may always be used; its use is particularly suited to days assigned a proper Communicantes or a proper Hanc igitur; to feasts of the apostles and saints mentioned in this Prayer; also to Sundays, unless pastoral reasons call for a different eucharistic prayer. For more information, cf. For example, the guidelines issued on June 2, 1968 to assist catechesis on the anaphoras of the Mass say: In the existing Roman Canon its unity and the logical sequence of its ideas are not immediately or readily perceptible. In the Fall of 1966, there was much coming and going of In any case, neither the Schema nor the final text of Sacrosanctum Concilium make any mention of new Eucharistic Prayers. For some 1600 years previously, the Roman rite knew only one Eucharistic Prayer: the Roman canon. 3 2. Who Prays the Eucharistic Prayer? Bugnini says why: In the meantime, others made their voices heard in opposition to approval of new Eucharistic Prayers: a group of theologians on the International Theological Commission (October 11), a French archbishop, and those consultors of the Congregation for Divine Worship who had cast a negative vote at the study sessions. The third Anaphora (Anaphora of Nestorius) is also in use. 27 The very next day, July 9, 1975, the Congregation for Divine Worship was suppressed and Archbishop Bugnini was relieved of his position. So “[w]ith this green light from the Holy Father, the Consilium set to work immediately.”. The Eucharist as Meal 4. In the East the more ancient text is probably the ancient form of the Anaphora of Addai and Mari, followed by the East Syriac Rite 14 There is an error here in Bugnini’s text, as the numbers do not add up. We cannot follow the path to a foreign liturgy without carefully examining and fostering our own inheritance. "Anaphora" is a Greek word (ἀναφορά) meaning a "carrying back" (hence its meaning in rhetoric and linguistics) or a "carrying up", and so an "offering"[1] (hence its use in reference to the offering of sacrifice to God). The Eucharist, Church Unity & Ecumenism 9. The result of all this was a very modest document, Eucharistiae participationem,21 published on April 27, 1973. 2) Should a larger number of Eucharistic Prayers be allowed in regions in which the episcopal conferences think it advisable? First, they are dialogues between God and the gathered assembly… The Canons suggested by various sources tend to be revisions of the text with a view to curtailing the elements just mentioned and relocating other intercessory prayers (Memento, Communicantes, Nobis quoque) so as to make the Eucharistic Prayer more of a single unit that includes the Preface, Sanctus and anamnesis. Meanwhile, at the official level, the Consilium (the group responsible for implementing the Council’s decree on the liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium) and “Study Group 10″ (concerned with revision of the Roman Missal) were also considering alternatives to the traditional Canon. This was assigned to Study Group 10. The man who best illustrates this theory is Cipriano Vagaggini. This section, corresponding to the Preface in the Roman Rite, gives thanks to God for the mysteries of creation, redemption, and sanctification. Part of the post-conciliar theological shift was a new stress on this-worldly realities, which often resulted in a style of prayer which was decidedly horizontal and man-centered. The response of CDF was in the negative. In other Latin rites, as in the Mozarabic Rite or the Gallican rite also the post-sanctus and the prayer after the Institution narrative till the doxology are completely variable.[2]:147. Since Vagaggini had a particularly keen interest in the pneumatological dimension of the liturgy, his new Eucharistic Prayers (III and IV) give a decided emphasis to the Holy Spirit. i. This is a fourth reason for the change from one Eucharistic Prayer to many. Vagaggini’s proposals were then examined by the entire study group, various periti, and the Fathers of the Consilium. At a plenary meeting of the special Study Group, March 7-11, 1972, the Secretariat of State asked that the members be brought up to date concerning the recent communications sent by him to the Congregation for Divine Worship, lest the Fathers “in ignorance of the real thinking of his Holiness, proceed along the path traced out by the periti, although this is not fully in conformity with the directives given to them… (Bugnini, p.471, n.31)”. The suggestion was tempered, however, by the proviso that the conference must first request authorization, then prepare the text, which must be submitted to the competent agencies of the Holy See (Bugnini, p.472). When referring to the Western Christian uses, the term "Eucharistic Prayer" is more used than "anaphora", and sometime it refers only to the portion of the anaphora starting after the Sanctus because the Preface in the Latin rites is variable and follows the liturgical year. The structural defects show themselves in the disorderliness of the Canon, according to Vagaggini. There were those, however, who saw the action as a way of preventing possible concessions of further Eucharistic Prayers” (Bugnini, p.484). [7] We have next the Anaphora of the Apostolic Tradition, called also the anaphora of Hippolytus, the Liturgy of the seventh book of the Apostolic Constitutions and the Liturgy of the eighth book of the Apostolic Constitutions that developed in the famous Byzantine Anaphora now part of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, through the lost Greek version of the Anaphora of the Twelve Apostles (of which we have a later Syrian version). The Armenian Rite, used mainly by the Armenian Apostolic Church, uses currently the Anaphora of St. Athanasius. J. Jungmann, “Um die Reform des römischen Kanons: eine kritische Stellungnahme zu C. Vagagginis Entwürfen“, Liturgisches Jahrbuch 17 (1967) 1-17. Notitiae 13 (1977) 555-556 (DOL, #251, pp.634-635) and Notitiae 17 (1981) 23. CDF did not approve the Alexandrian anaphora (literally, “offering”, another name for the Eucharistic prayer) of Saint Basil because of the theological problem of the epiclesis (invocation of the Holy Spirit). He confesses: “This reply came like a cold shower after a year and a half of hard and intelligent work” (Bugnini, p.474). The Eucharist as Sacrifice 7. Furthermore, the episcopal conferences should be granted authority to compose others proper to them. According to Jungmann, it was the relator’s mind that a free hand should be given to the post-conciliar work of reform.3. 33. The Canon is unsatisfactory from a stylistic viewpoint.”, Despite pressure from advocates of alternative prayers, Pope Paul VI objected to changing the Canon. Decades of scholarly research in the area of the anaphora, both eastern and western, had resulted in a considerable corpus of primary texts and a corresponding body of secondary literature. But as a concrete suggestion, his two proposals should not even be considered (p.17). 11 Il canone della messa e la riforma liturgica, Torino-Leumann: Elle di Ci, 1966. What happened? 2. In this critical analysis Enrico Mazza concentrates on structure as he traces the evolution of the Eucharistic Prayer (anaphora) from its origins in the ancient Jewish rites and its Christian beginnings in the Didache.He then examines the paleoanaphoras of the early centuries and moves through the origin … The structure of the standardized 4th century Antiochene anaphora, which is placed after the offertory and the Creed and comes before the Lord's Prayer, the Elevation and the Communion rites, can be summarized as follows:[2]:6. The work of Vagaggini was published in book form that same year;11 thus the discussion moved from the restricted circle of the Consilium to the wider public forum, raising the expectations of some and the hackles of others.12. Alternative prayers were proposed, therefore, for the sake of variety. The Eucharist & Baptism 8. While the people sing a hymn of thanksgiving and supplication, the priest prays the epiclesis. One of the main reasons given for proposing these new anaphoras was the principle of variety. The Preface to Sarapion’s Eucharistic prayer bears resemblance in its cadence and rhythm to extant Gnostic anaphoras. In addition, the somewhat condescending note about a more educated congregation, if taken seriously, would limit its use even further). I am to tell you that, all things considered, it is perhaps better to leave the traditional text unchanged; this, however, does not mean that study of the subject is not to continue (Bugnini, p.152, n.30). Eucharistic Prayer I is the 1600 year old Roman Canon, and begins the Institution by saying, “ T he day before He suffered, He took bread in His sacred hands, and looking up to heaven, to You, His Almighty … Furthermore, they were not originally equipped with modern conveniences like indoor plumbing and electricity, and so we moderns sometimes find such houses inconvenient. The most notable example of this advancement in liturgical studies is the edition by Anton Hänggi and Irmgard Pahl of Prex Eucharistica, an anthology of anaphoras and anaphora-type prayers from the Jewish liturgy, the New Testament, ancient texts of the early patristic period, oriental anaphoras of the various eastern liturgical families and western anaphoras of both the Roman and non-Roman western rites. The heart of the matter Last time, we considered the changing style of the proper prayers prayed by the priest. The Eucharistic Prayer itself was not originally a concern of the Consilium, but rather the revision of the Ordo Missae. Decorative trim is added “just because”. II, Nos. The decision came from the Holy Father on October 26, 1974, to the effect that three texts for children and two for the Holy Year were authorized for experiment for a period of three years, that is, until the end of 1977, but they were not to be published officially or included in the Roman Missal. j. [6] Most parts of the anaphora, as the Preface, the Institution narrative, the Epiclesis, are always reserved to the celebrant, a bishop or a priest, while the faithfuls usually sung the Sanctus and some acclamations, which can be more or less frequent and length according to the specific rite. This structure can have variations in liturgical families different from the Antiochene one: in the East Syriac Rites the Epiclesis is just before the final doxology and in one case the Institution narrative is missing; the Intercessions can be found after the Preface in the Alexandrian Rite[2]:6 and even before the Sursum Corda in the Mozarabic Rite. Some Ethiopian monasteries use additional Anaphoras as a local practice. He founded his monastic community in Rome in 1998 and transferred it to Norcia in the year 2000. The Netherlands received permission on August 16, 1974 for a new Eucharistic Prayer on the occasion of a Pastoral Colloquium held November 1, 1974. 4) Should the episcopal conferences be able to compose new Eucharistic Prayers that satisfy criteria set down by the Holy See and are then submitted to the latter? According to this spirit (which is legion), the supreme criterion is brevity. In the process of the work, the question of the … Glenday, David K. "Mary in the Liturgy: An Ethiopian Anaphora." Hence when the Eucharistic Prayer began to be said aloud in the vernacular, with four to choose from — and the Roman canon chosen rarely, if ever — the average layman did not realize that 1600 years of tradition had suddenly vanished like a lost civilization, leaving few traces behind, and those of interest only to archaeologists and tourists. requested a new Eucharistic Prayer either to replace the Roman Canon or to use as an alternate.2, On the other hand, several Fathers in commenting on article 37/50, stressed that the Canon should not be touched. Basil himself, and recent scholars believes that this text, united with the anaphora described in The Catechisms of St. Cyril of Jerusalem, has been the base for the Anaphora of St. James included in the Liturgy of St James. All these put pressure on the Supreme Pastor… (Bugnini, p.474, n.32). Eucharistic Prayer for Masses for Various Needs and Occasions, usually called the "Swiss Synod" prayer because it originated in the Swiss conference of bishops. In a very schematic way, these are the steps which the texts of the new Eucharistic Prayers went through in order to receive final approval (cf. This illuminating account will be presented in three parts. Eucharistic Prayers: after the Sanctus (“Holy, Holy, Holy”), when the people kneel, we have the praying of the Eucharistic Prayer. (The schema also included nine new prefaces). [5] Also, the Ethiopian Orthodox Täwaḥədo Church unusually has an Anaphora of the Virgin Mary. As an Italian liturgical scholar puts it: “its use today is so minimal as to be statistically irrelevant”.1. The Eucharist & Social Justice 10. Part I of this three part essay, which appeared in the September issue, began the history of the multiplication of alternatives to the Roman Canon (now known as Eucharistic Prayer I). The Eucharist as Memorial 5. The Apostolic See will not refuse to consider lawful needs within the Roman Rite and will accord every consideration to the petitions submitted by the conferences of bishops for the possible composition in special circumstances of a new eucharistic prayer and its introduction into the liturgy. It may be used whenever a Mass does not have a proper preface; its use is particularly suited to a congregation of people with a more developed knowledge of Scripture. This was assigned to Study Group 10. What became evident was that the right hand did not know what the left hand was doing. 1) Eucharistic Prayer I, i.e. From October 1971 to March 1972, this special Study Group met several times, producing a working document of some one hundred pages analyzing the problem and proposing solutions. In the secular order, this time period was marked by a massive and sometimes anarchic rejection of structure and authority. The letter of the Secretary of State also included the following directives which would later appear in the Instruction on Eucharistic Prayers put out by the Congregation for Divine Worship: * Episcopal Conferences must put an end to experimental Eucharistic Prayers. But how much longer can this state of affairs continue? The Roman Canon would be burdensome if recited aloud, because it is always the same; 2. The most important and currently used anaphorae (Qudashe) of the East Syriac Rite (Babylonian Rite) are the following:[25]. Bugnini’s reaction demonstrates that the Study Group was working on quite a different wave length than the Holy See. While the above response is sung, the priest begins to pray the first part of the anaphora quietly, although in some places this is said aloud. 9 Philippe Béguerie, “La Prière Eucharistique“, Notitiae 20 (1984) 196. Of the three new texts which were eventually approved, one is very short (EP II), one of medium length (EP III) and one is rather long since it includes a summary exposition of the entire economy of salvation EP IV). More Eucharistic Prayers are called for; the Holy See is neither to prepare these prayers nor provide models for them; instead Episcopal conferences should be able to compose new prayers on their own authority. 10 Bernard Botte, “Où en est la réforme du Canon de la Messe?“, Les Questions Liturgiques et Paroissiales 49 (1968) 138-141. The Eucharist: Origins Voice of the Faithful® Page 3 of 12 to the participants. (In fact, this is not what happened). 28 This volume was published in 1968. Bugnini, pp. If only a few priest so far are aware of these issues, it is because many have had their awareness blunted by routine and a more or less mechanical recitation (even if in a general spirit of devotion) of a text in a dead language. 3) The Canon is unsatisfactory from a stylistic viewpoint, and would require considerable reworking in order to appear as a single literary unit. The Eucharistic Prayer itself was not originally a concern of the Consilium, but rather the revision of the Ordo Missae. If taken at face value, this decision would leave the Roman canon primacy of place, while adding several other Eucharistic prayers to the repertoire in a subsidiary role. , 1975.27 parts of anaphorae still in evidence today pope did not know the! A larger number of Eucharistic Prayers ( October 24, 1968 ).! A special study group was that more Eucharistic Prayers were Louis Ligier, Joseph Jungmann, Alphonse,! 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Doctrine of the Virgin Mary anaphoras for the 1975 Holy year ; permission was extended to 1980 and indefinitely... Vocations and pilgrims from around the old homestead, you can not follow the path to foreign! To look into the matter thus: “ the intention was that more Prayers. As the Congregation for Divine Worship should prepare some new Eucharistic Prayers in which the episcopal conferences were also provisionally. In 1955, Fr but each of them is almost completely invariable a measured critique of Vagaggini s... Same line of argument must be accepted ” ( Bugnini, p.474 ) were... The response of the Roman Canon as well, but reproduced in full here ) i.e... Preface printed above. ) few special occasions liturgical matters under discussion was the ’. Proposing these new anaphoras was the question of the schema also included nine new prefaces ) enormity of this.!, January 25-26, 1972 was prepared during the summer months, and the Congregation for volume! 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