5a) and that of contrast inverted cryo‐transmission electron micrographs of cubosome mono‐olein/ethanol/water phases with cubic (or sponge) symmetry (Fig. The high‐pressure freezer HPM 010 (Baltec, Balzers, Liechtenstein), which reaches a pressure of 2000 bar within 15 ms, was used. Working off-campus? Fig. Therefore, the cubic rod‐packing model inherently implies that there has been a surface template present at some decisive stage during the keratin network formation process (Fig 12a,b). Note that one of the two subspaces (or ‘tunnel systems’) separated by the gyroid membrane surface has got a left‐handed twist while the other subspace has got a right‐handed twist (b). Stratum Lucidum. Step (I): the keratinocyte cytoplasm is proposed to contain an extended ‘endoplasmatic reticulum’ or ‘nanoreticulum’, with small lattice parameter (c. 20 nm) and cubic‐like symmetry (cf. The association of glycosphingolipids with keratin intermediate filaments persists during mitosis as well as after treatment with colcemide, suggesting a rather strong affinity between lipids and intermediate filaments [53]. Consequently, cytoplasmic structures responsible for the formation of the stratum corneum keratin intermediate filament network may partly, Section thicknesses c. 50 nm (a, b). Scale bar (a) 50 nm. 3c,d). Further, the mature corneocytes of the dominant mid‐portion of stratum corneum have recently been reported to express insignificant (limited to a few per cent) swelling/shrinking in situ (depending on water osmolarity) upon water exposure [38]. [15]). Keratin: Das Strukturprotein. below), we may conclude that there is not enough space for more than a single conceivable lipid bilayer membrane structure (c. 4 nm) between apposed keratin intermediate filaments (Fig. These cells are continuously shed from the surface of the epidermis and are replenished through the upward migration and ongoing keratinization of epidermal keratinocytes. A body‐centred cubic rod packing (consisting of four non‐intersecting three‐fold axes) is tempting to propose as a first hand alternative as the basic principle behind the structural organization of the corneocyte cytoplasm, as it possesses the greatest possible accumulation of symmetry elements in three‐dimensional space [32] (Fig. Today, the leading opinion seems to favour the non‐presence of substantial amounts of intracellular membrane lipids. [7, 13]); It could explain: (i) the close spatial association of intermediate filaments with membrane structures in situ [52]; (ii) the close chemical association of keratin to lipids in vivo [53]; and why (iii) intermediate filaments enriched in cytoskeletal frameworks by Triton X‐100 extraction are heavily contaminated with lipids [55]; It could explain the reported strong mechanical labilization of intermediate filament organization by lipid vesicles in vitro [57, 58]; It could explain why keratin 1/keratin 10 is unable to generate a normal cytoskeleton when expressed in transfected fibroblasts but frequently cointegrate with the endogenous keratin network into a well‐developed cytoskeleton when transfected into epithelial cells [59, p. 319]; It could explain: (i) the pronounced polymorphism of intermediate filaments assembled in vitro [71-73]; (ii) why intermediate filament proteins are insoluble in non‐denaturating buffers (and thereby cannot be studied at close to ‘physiological conditions’) [69]; and (iii) why c. 8‐nm thick intermediate filaments have never been generated in vitro [1]; It could explain the reported keratin dynamics (oscillations and ondulations of keratin filaments as well as of diffuse and particulate keratin [61]) and structural transformations (complete disintegration/reintegration of intermediate filaments with a characteristic time in the minute range [62-65]); It could explain the measured: (i) reduction in cell volume; and (ii) dramatically decreased hydration level, between stratum granulosum keratinocytes and mature stratum corneum corneocytes (cf. a viscous gel) inside a bilayer membrane system with gyroid cubic symmetry (Fig. The global mechanical properties and multi-scale failure mechanics of heterogeneous human stratum corneum. Keratin-water-NMF interaction as a three layer model in the human stratum corneum using in vivo confocal Raman microscopy. Large portions of the biomass of the viable cells appear as aggregated, heavily stained clusters, so‐called keratohyalin granules (d, white asterisk). Consequently, their three‐dimensional distribution cannot be entirely random. Isolated human/animal stratum corneum as a partial model for 15 steps in percutaneous absorption: emphasizing decontamination, Part I. Epidermal Layers Characterisation by Opto-Magnetic Spectroscopy Based on Digital Image of Skin. The global cryo‐electron density pattern of the stratum corneum keratin intermediate filament network resembles ‘inverted’ cryo‐transmission electron micrographs of cubic (or sponge) lipid/water phases. In most land vertebrates the stratum corneum is shed or molted, either periodically and in large fragments or sheets, as in … Predictive Methods in Percutaneous Absorption. capacity to absorb and release energy, and strength, i.e. above), although degenerated, cubic‐like corneocyte keratin filament packing. The stratum corneum: structure and function in health and disease C LIVE R. H ARDING Unilever Research and Development, Edgewater, New Jersey ABSTRACT: Our understanding of the formation, structure, composition, and maturation of the stratum corneum (SC) has progressed enormously over the past 30 years. TF, keratin intermediate filament ‘bundle’; M, mitochondria; open white double‐arrow, section cutting direction. 11a,b) [78]. Nanomechanical properties of human skin and introduction of a novel hair indenter. A periodic membrane structure with a small lattice parameter (c. 20 nm) may be present in the native keratinocyte cytoplasm. The association of glycosphingolipids with keratin intermediate filaments persists during mitosis as well as after treatment with colcemide, suggesting a rather strong affinity between lipids and intermediate filaments [53]. The keratinised squames layer (stratum corneum) is the final layer. Fig. Given the 50‐ to 100‐nm thickness of epidermal vitreous cryo‐sections, random superposition in three dimensions of c. 8‐nm‐thick keratin filaments would automatically have blurred the cryo‐electron micrographs. This is the framework that stratum corneum must adopt (i.e. 3a,b, inset box in b). Das Ziegelstein-Mörtel-Modell gibt ein anschauliches Bild vom Aufbau der Hornschicht der Haut. and the Welander Foundation (L.N.). The stratum corneum has a \"brick and mortar\" type of structure, and the \"bricks\" in this analogy are protein complexes called corneocytes (see illustration). Instead, depending on sample site and experimental conditions, two strong, diffuse maxima corresponding to 0.94–1.0 and 0.45–0.46 nm, respectively, have been reported [7, 9, 26, 27, 80]. Scale bars 500 nm (a–d). An underlying non‐random organization of the low‐electron density multigranular complex (thin white arrows) is inferred by the visualization, in 50‐ to 100‐nm thick vitreous sections, of individual ‘15‐nm particles’ (a) (cf. If the fibres are arranged isotropically, possibly with isotropically distributed chemical and/or physical attachment points between the fibres, into a cubic (para)crystalline polymer lattice, all fibres would at all loads contribute optimally to the strength and stiffness of the material and thereby distribute impact loads throughout the entire lattice, giving the stratum corneum an optimal strength to weight ratio. (b) Different projection of the same choloroplast P‐type (cf. Fig. In these studies, the diameter of individual granules was extremely variable, ranging from 4 to 27 nm with a mean of 15 nm. 27–31]. Reprinted from [16] with permission. Section thicknesses c. 100 nm (a, c), c. 50 nm (b, d). 5a,b). Etant donné que l'on considère que 90 à 100% de l'eau de la couche cornée est localisée à l'intérieur des cellules, on peut penser que la kératine joue également un rôle important (en association avec les acides aminés libres dérivés de la filagrine) dans le niveau d'hydratation de la couche cornée et sa capacité de rétention de l'eau. that all keratin intermediate filaments possess the same twist) is indirectly suggested by the cryo‐electron density pattern of native stratum corneum (Fig. with cubic symmetry) partition cell space into a number of discrete ‘domains’ or microenvironments [43]. Its implication for future in vitro experimentation using reversed bicontinuous cubic lipid/water phases to model different aspects of cellular systems is obvious. Fig. above), embedded in a comparatively electron lucent matrix (Fig. Regular networks of protein material are interwoven with membranes with hyperbolic cubic symmetry in, e.g. Furthermore, intermediate filaments (vimentin) enriched in cytoskeletal frameworks by Triton X‐100 extraction are typically heavily contaminated with lipids [55, 56]. However, already in the early 1980s a freeze‐replica work of directly frozen cultured cells revealed the occurrence of a ‘granular material’ filling the space surrounding the cytoskeleton [76]. The possibility remains, however, that the central subfilament density recorded here could arise from an axial alignment of keratin head or tail domains. Scale bars 20 nm (a), 100 nm (b). The high pressure was built up at a controlled temperature by the use of a defined volume of thermostatized ethanol that hit the sample before the pressurized liquid nitrogen and thus ensured a stable correlation between rise in pressure and drop in temperature [19]. Fig. c), and may, if applied to the stratum corneum, imply an even further improved tissue energy absorption capacity. The subfilamentous molecular architecture can only be guessed in (c, d), while in (a, b) it appears as groups of peripheral electron dense spots surrounding a central dense dot (a, b, inset box in b). 7b, central mid‐surface), gyroid – (G) (cf. (C) Schematic illustration of a condensed lipid/water phase with hexagonal symmetry. Epidermis must resist not only tension and compression but also bending, which represents three quite different kinds of forces. Keratin is an intracellular fibrous protein that gives hair, nails, and skin their hardness and water-resistant properties. Conventional sample preparation for electron microscopy results in important losses of epidermal biomaterial. Novel Delivery Systems for Transdermal and Intradermal Drug Delivery. This stands in contrast both to chemically fixed epidermis where the lower part of the stratum corneum is electron transparent and the upper part more electron dense, and, however less pronounced, to freeze‐substituted epidermis where the corneocyte transparency increases in the upper part [20]. in the endoplasmatic reticulum of compactin resistant UT‐1 cells [43, 88]. Adjustment of Conditions for Combining Oxybutynin Transdermal Patch with Heparinoid Cream in Mice by Analyzing Blood Concentrations of Oxybutynin Hydrochloride. These skin cells finally become the cornified layer (stratum corneum), the outermost epidermal layer, where the cells become flattened sacks with their nuclei located at one end of the cell. It could also explain the measured reduction in cell volume between stratum granulosum keratinocytes and mature stratum corneum corneocytes (keratinocyte cell volume: c. 700–900 μm3; corneocyte cell volume: c. 400–450 μm3 [38, 86]; R. Wepf, personal communication). Fig. Es wird auch die Hornschicht genannt, da die Zellen zäher sind als die meisten (wie das Horn eines Tieres). After the tissue had been rinsed in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer for 2 h it was post‐fixed in 1% OsO4 in cacodylate buffer containing 15 mg mL−1 potassium ferrocyanide for 1 h at 20°C in the dark. A candidate periodic ‘template’ membrane structure with a small lattice parameter (c. 20 nm) has been identified in native keratinocytes (cf. Lamellar granules (water repellant) Stratum Corneum. The cavity space not occupied by the sample was filled with 1‐hexadecane (Fluka, Buchs, Switzerland). Note further that a balanced cubic surface (lower right ‘membrane mid‐surface’) is transformed into an imbalanced cubic surface (upper ‘membrane mid‐surface’) simply by parallel displacement of the membrane mid‐surface (i.e. (d) Adapted from [13] with permission. Consequently, it is not the epidermal biomaterial per se that is observed, but deposits of contrast agents on remaining dehydrated, and consequently heavily aggregated, plastic‐embedded biomaterial. when both membrane lattice parameter, membrane orientation in the cryo‐section, local section thickness, electron dose and underfocus happen to be optimal, concomitantly, for cryo‐EM visualization, it might be possible to obtain a glimpse, locally, of the underlying cytoplasmic organization (Fig. Reprinted from [16] with permission. 14a), which sometimes, locally, seems to express components of a cholesteric arrangement (Fig. Note further its similarity with the primitive (P‐type, cf. [66]). Also, a strong mechanical labilization of intermediate filament organization by lipid vesicles has been reported in vitro [57, 58]. The high‐pressure freezer HPM 010 (Baltec, Balzers, Liechtenstein), which reaches a pressure of 2000 bar within 15 ms, was used. Non‐vitrified specimens were discarded. The accelerating voltage was 80 kV, objective aperture was 50 μm and camera length was 370 mm. has the least deflections per unit stress in all parts of the framework). To date, there are, however, few ‘hard data’ on the structural organization and function of intermediate filaments [1, 2, 21, 24]. Possibility of cubic structures in biological systems, Cubic phases and isotropic structures formed by membrane lipids – possible biological relevance, A study of polar lipid drug carrier systems undergoing a thermoreversible lamellar‐to‐cubic phase transition, Cubic lipid‐water phases: structures and biomembrane aspects, Calorimetric studies of the gel‐fluid transition (L → L) and lamellar‐inverted hexagonal (L → H, Comparative geometry of cytomembranes and water‐lipid systems, Association of glycosphingolipids with intermediate filaments of mesenchymal, epithelial, glial, and muscle cells, The organization and animal‐vegetal asymmetry of cytokeratin filaments in stage VI, Tenacious binding of lipids to vimentin during its isolation and purification from Ehrlich ascites tumor cells, Efficient interaction of nonpolar lipids with intermediate filaments of the vimentin type, An electron microscopic study of the interaction, Influence of phospholipids on the formation and stability of vimentin‐type intermediate filaments, Interaction in‐vitro of nonepithelial intermediate filament proteins with total cellular lipids, individual phospholipids, and a phospholipid mixture, Assembly dynamics of epidermal keratins K1 and K10 in transfected cells, Detection of cytokeratin dynamics by time‐lapse fluorescence microscopy in living cells, Intermediate filament proteins in nonfilamentous structures: transient disintegration and inclusion of subunit proteins in granular aggregates, Structural transformation of epidermal tonofilaments upon cold treatment, Genesis and regression of the figures of Eberth and occurrence of cytokeratin aggregates in the epidermis of anuran larvae, Steady‐state dymanics of intermediate filament networks, Non‐topological saddle‐splay and curvature instabilities from anisotropic membrane inclusions, Keratin incorporation into intermediate filament networks is a rapid process, Dynamics of keratin assembly: exogenous type I keratin rapidly associates with type II keratin in‐vivo, Intermediate filaments in motion: observation of intermediate filaments in cells using green fluorescent protein‐vimentin, Structure and assembly properties of the intermediate filament protein vimentin: the role of its head, rod and tail domains, Intermediate filament assembly: temperature sensitivity and polymorphism, Intermediate filaments and their associates: multitalented structural elements specifying cytoarchitecture and cytodynamics, Analysis of the mechanism of assembly of mouse keratin 1/keratin 10 intermediate filaments in‐vitro suggests that intermediate filaments are built from multiple oligomeric units rather than a unique tetrameric building block, Elucidating early stages of keratin filament assembly, On the real structure of the cytoplasmic matrix: learning from embedment‐free electron microscopy, Filament organization revealed in platinum replicas of freeze‐dried cytoskeletons, The structure of cytoplasm in directly frozen cultured cells. Sie kann je nach Region zwischen 12 und 200 Zellschichten stark sein kann. The disadvantage of unidirectional reinforcement is, however, evident when tensile stress is applied at right angles to the fibre direction. These dynamical transformations could thus be finely tuned by subtle stimuli and very fast (momentary, as they essentially represent phase transitions). Further, the hypothesis of a ‘chiral’ keratin intermediate filament degenerated cubic‐like rod packing (i.e. The global mechanical properties and multi-scale failure mechanics of heterogeneous human stratum corneum. the membrane mid‐surface) can be isometrically transformed (i.e. I. Filamentous meshworks and the cytoplasmic ground substance, A large scale quasi‐crystalline lamellar lattice in chloroplasts of the green alga Zygnema, Fine structure of protein‐storing plastids in bean root tips, Structure of lamellar lipid domains and corneocyte envelopes of murine stratum corneum. Keratin: Das Strukturprotein. 11c), the keratin filaments seemed, via the formation of small ‘tufts’ of short keratin filament bundles (white arrows), to transform directly into the low‐electron density granular structure (Fig. [40], and that notably, are not formed in racemic mixtures, may find some justification. In conventional resin‐embedded human forearm epidermis the corneocytes are characteristically inhomogenously stained and the extracellular space is largely empty‐looking (Fig. [77, 39, pp. The here‐proposed body‐centred cubic rod packing would thus allow the (para)crystalline keratin polymers to pack in parallel arrays in four principal directions, with the effect that all stresses applied to the stratum corneum, however complex, would be optimally distributed throughout the tissue. Its efficient function is a prerequisite for life itself. Das Stratum corneum wird von Korneozyten, Desmosomen und Lipiden in einer Ziegel und Mörtel Weise konstruiert, um eine Barriere zu bilden, Bakterien und Toxine zu halten. 5e, scale identical to that of Fig. Fig. above) wide electron dense structures with a median repeat distance of c. 11 nm (cf. The problem of indexing the diffuse lines discussed above is, however, evident. A cubic‐like rod packing of keratin filaments in contact (i.e. In fact, in many biological situations ‘random encounter chemistry’ is simply excluded as the substrate concentration does not significantly exceed that of its enzyme. Anzeige. 12B), which, notably, corresponds to that of cubic lipid/water in vitro phases (10–30 nm (cf. Further, biostructures are often better visualized unstained in their aqueous environment than stained in conventional preparations. Further, the granular ground substance was readily extractable by various treatments, quickly lost upon cell lysis and obscured by primary fixation in aqueous aldehyde [77], which may explain why, usually, it is not observed in conventional micrographs of chemically fixed epidermis (cf. (c) 4 × 4 × 4 unit cells of an ‘inverted’ membrane with gyroid cubic symmetry (cf. For a general description of cryo‐EM of vitreous specimens, cf. Therefore, epidermal CEMOVIS will not show its full potential until combined with cryo‐electron tomography (CET), by which a 3D image of epidermis will be reconstructed from a large series of tilted images recorded with minimum electron dose. The global cryo‐electron density pattern of the stratum corneum keratin intermediate filament network resembles ‘inverted’ cryo‐transmission electron micrographs of cubic (or sponge) lipid/water phases. Note that balanced primitive‐ (lower left) and balanced gyroid (lower right) cubic surfaces (i.e. (B) Same membrane system as in (A) but with balanced gyroid symmetry. Step (I): the keratinocyte cytoplasm is proposed to contain an extended ‘endoplasmatic reticulum’ or ‘nanoreticulum’, with small lattice parameter (c. 20 nm) and cubic‐like symmetry (cf. 4A,C). Despite their supposed mechanical cytoskeletal function keratins are surprisingly dynamical structures [60]. In fact, geometrical analysis indicates that reversed (bilayer) bicontinuous cubic phases are only to be found in lipid/water systems that also form lamellar phases readily [i.e. This is because the signal to noise ratio is optimal in vitreous water where the only source of noise is electron statistic. There are consequently reasons to assume that keratin intermediate filaments are closely associated to lipid membranes in vivo, both structurally (electron microscopic evidence; heavy lipid contamination of extracted intermediate filaments), functionally (strong labilization of intermediate filament organization by lipid vesicles in vitro) and dynamically (lipid association with keratin persists during mitosis). The molecular architecture as well as the higher‐order structural organization(s) of intermediate filaments remain, however, undetermined [1, 2]. A new model for stratum corneum keratin structure, function, and formation is presented. In the 1950s, Pauling and Corey [4] suggested that keratin intermediate filaments were composed of seven single polypeptide chains, each with the configuration of a compound α‐helix, where six such chains twisted about a seventh to form a seven‐strand cable with a diameter of c. 3 nm. Further, biostructures are often better visualized unstained in their aqueous environment than stained in conventional preparations. The membrane templating model for keratin dynamics and for the formation of the stratum corneum cell matrix postulates the presence in viable epidermal cellular space of a highly dynamic small lattice parameter (<30 nm) membrane structure with cubic‐like symmetry, to which keratin is associated. with cubic symmetry) partition cell space into a number of discrete ‘domains’ or microenvironments [43]. The full text of this article hosted at iucr.org is unavailable due to technical difficulties. Reprinted from [16] with permission. [14]. D'autre part, ce modèle suggère qu'un assemblage membranaire plutôt qu'un auto‐assemblage spontané puisse être à l'origine de la formation des filaments intermédiaires de kératine et de leur dynamique. [87]) possessing components of both cubic and chiral symmetry (cf. Nonetheless, in the dehydrated resin‐embedded sample (Fig. [77, 39, pp. Note further the striking similarity between the cryo‐electron density pattern of the corneocyte matrix (cf. Dermatol., 123, 2004, 715], is presented. Our tentative interpretation is that the periodic ‘multicircular’ optical density pattern of Fig. Präklinische und klinische Validierung der kutanen Bioverfügbarkeit der hydrophilen Phase einer W/O‐Emulsion. Note that one of the two subspaces (or ‘tunnel systems’) separated by the gyroid membrane surface has got a left‐handed twist while the other subspace has got a right‐handed twist (b). [89]) liquid crystalline lipid/water/keratin/filaggrin ‘phase’ (i.e. thylacoids (Fig. In other words, in the non‐equilibrium situation in vivo it is not clear whether lipid composition (i.e. To accomplish a biochemical event the counterparts have to occupy the same location at a given time point and carry an adequate amount of energy. Low magnification cryo‐transmission electron micrograph of vitreous section of native human stratum corneum. Fig. TF (c), keratin intermediate filament ‘bundle’; thin white arrows (c), keratin intermediate filament ‘tufts’; open white double arrows (c, d), section cutting direction. Reprinted from [16] with permission. (c) Medium magnification cryo‐transmission electron micrograph of vitreous section of native human midpart epidermis. Great video footage that you won't find anywhere else. Reprinted from [16] with permission. vary their symmetry extensively within a single ‘equilibrium’ system or long‐term non‐equilibrium system; K. Larsson and P.T. Continuous hyperbolic membrane forms (e.g. Hornhaut (Stratum corneum) der Epidermis. above), although degenerated, cubic‐like corneocyte keratin filament packing. A new model for stratum corneum keratin structure, function, and formation is presented. 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