I would say it's more of a nuisance to homeowners than traffic. http://www.hackettstown.net/. 9. That way the people have a choice to use the one here on Mt Ave OR the one on top of the hill past m&m. I understand there is a petition against this project. I know the developers there tonight spoke of the economic impact in a positive manner as well as job creation. Will these new establishments cause my property taxes to go down 1 cent? There is still a very long way to go and the next meeting is in November. I agree for those nearby it would only be negative... For most people travelling through town it will only be negative. One of the residents told me that the plan has been revised to see if it will go through with the revisions. I want an all service station in that part of town. Cluster is probably the best you can ask for. Sunshine Act As to the condition of the houses, I believe the condition is all part of the plan. I’m playing stupid? I'm in no way trying to influence which meeting people should be attend, just passing along info so people can make a decision on which meeting they feel would be better to attend. New car sales, certified-preowned sales, service, and parts. sorry I can't answer if it was deemed complete since I was not at the meeting but if it was then the procedure going forward would be: my guess with a site this big and a lot of moving parts it'll be a few meetings process. ;-). And is there a map of the designated Historic area? I would just like to learn a bit more of what their responsibilities are and such. I don't think it's been approved yet & hopefully it won't based on the zoning variance. No date but some details : There are literally bus tours running that bring groups around on a craft beer ride. 1 - Stop the Quick Check project by whatever legal means possible. Are not the homes that are already there ratables? 9. https://patch.com/new-jersey/hackettstown/quick-check-mountatin-ave-project-update. posting notice on the website of the Town of Hackettstown; filing said notice with the Town Clerk of @trekster3 - since this is a variance request to change from residential couldn't the questions be about this too? http://www.hackettstown.net/. How is being on the parking Authority Committee help someone get their non parking project through? That intersection is so dangerous there and we don't need to make it any worse than what it is now! QC began it's presentation. And even more, if you think about QC expanding, Wawa wanting to move in, a new Autozone, CVS expansion, and the new Dollar General - how does all of that translate to "this area is dying". Thanks for posting. I like doing it and I still call Hackettstown my home. Is this true? Thanks JimL. I'm not sure about a homeless shelter in our immediate area though. With CVS, I had notes of what agreements were made and at what meetings, CVS actually tried to claim they never said something, which they did, and I opra requested the meeting recording tape and I presented the tape to the town engineer, exact spot where they said what they claimed they did't (just for a for instance) I would be happy to help select and install one for the five corners. I hope I am wrong. In Hackettstown, if you have the financial capitol to wear down the zoning board and line the pockets of the professionals that represent the town though their billing proceedures, your project will eventually be approved. 3. CVS has to let TT on property. Stanger Danger...WaWa is rumored to be taking the unfinished mall next to the old Golden Skillet The town changed the ordinance to make it "mixed use" which allowed residential and retail from the original "light manufacturing". Yes, it would be nice to have a better intersection. They're not the bad guys. Isn't that the first priority question, whether or not to encroach further on the historic district with commercial? all roads lead to the mayor, her political allies and close supporters. Personally, I'm all for Quick Check gas stations, I go to them all the time and the corporation does do some great things, I just think this location does more harm than good. The traffic won't just be cars but delivery trucks for the much larger QuickCheck store and gas tankers. It will be posted on the town website, Darrin is on an email chain that receives the notice so he got it sooner than it went on the town website. He discussed the daily operation and how it will not change much from the current site regarding deliveries et cetera, with the exception of adding fuel deliveries. Dadof3 you are mistaken on your facts. If you are interested I have a quick and easy legal email layout that you can just email to the construction office rather then filling out the long handed form if you want to request information, and I believe they have 7 business days (legally) to make the information available to you. I love politics. 57 as has been proposed in the past. They meet on the 4th Tuesday of the month. They make the decisions and appointments. Not simply give the stamp of approval then state some nonsense like " we had no choice". Most are 150 year old homes that owners have let get into a state of disrepair (some on purpose). There is no "closed session" so I'm not sure what you are referring to. His father was certainly a different person than him, that's for sure! There is no doubt that some sort of commercial entity will likely occupy that location, but it can certainly be a gentler transition and be a business that fills a genuine need in Hackettstown. without knowledge of meetings and placing it as the very last file on an outdated website like hackettstown.net it will be given the same amount of support and effort as what went into making it known in the first place. Thanks GC- I was having a brain freeze for a moment. My point: this will be a noticeable development, a sizeable reduction in the HHD, it will put additional pressure on the HHD, specifically the Washington street corridor to be developed commercially, and for what? My sister in law lives in a historic district in Boston and God forbid her grass gets too long or there is a tiny piece of peeling paint on the facia! I mean, sure who needs another gas station but to me, the Quick Chek facilities are nicer than many and more convenient than most. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT the regular meeting of the Hackettstown Zoning Board of Adjustment currently scheduled for Tuesday, August 15, 2017 at the regular location of 215 Stiger Street, Hackettstown, New Jersey is being relocated to Trinity House, 212 E. Moore Street, Hackettstown, New Jersey. the 3 homes on Mountain Ave are already commercial, so something commercial can go there. One board member then threw it back at him that if these homes were to be demolished then wouldn't that in turn effect the "setting" of the adjacent homes. The impact on the residential neighborhood on Washington would be negative *if* the 5 corners light were not dealt with, so any proposal would have to include a traffic study/solution for 5 corners. Also this will probably effect the people and their homes that are not being threatened. Hackettstown Historic district runs Main Street to Jefferson St and Water to Liberty Streets. Is that the case now? Main Street, Mountain Ave, and 57 are already covered in them, all within less than a mile of each other. I was hoping murphy usa would relocate the project towards walmart...where the rest of their stores usually are. Accurate Driving School 601 Bound Brook Road Unit 103 – Middlesex, NJ 08846 Telephone: (732) 650 1070. It was always Quik Chek. i agree that more power and laws should be put into the historical society, otherwise, what is to stop this from happening to all of the historical society.....whats the point of a historical society at all if they have no standing? Heidi, Here's a link to the facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/144264362819283/ Seems odd that they just served residents last week and it's still on the agenda. that the variance can be granted without causing substantial detriment to the public good and won’t substantially impair the intent and purpose of the municipal zoning ordinance and municipal master plan. Still no public comment on the historical significance of the 5 homes in question Perhaps, that's why this hasn't been up for a meeting in October. Have your Public Comments ready - Reminder there is a time limit (I think it's 2 min) It is helpful to the board and the board secretary if you have 10 copies of what you plan on saying so they can listen to you, but also have a copy to refer to when they go into closed session. If that is not putting the wolf in the hen's house, idk what is. While yes, I can get the information after the fact, these are the types of meetings that physical presence is crucial. Thank you, thank youuuuu everyone who signed my petition all week from 4-5 and Friday from 12 noon to 2:30 we are at 210 so far we need as many as we can get see you all there, For those who want to sign the petition against the quick check going in on mountain ave bells lane and Washington Street at 4-5 I will be in the parking lot of Hot beagles abroad today-Friday hope to see you all there. They're slamming the boards. Makes me think back to Dirty Harry: "well, does it punk?" With the many projects his family has done that have been appropriate (and made them plenty of money), it's quite a sad turn. After each expert is done with their testimony, they will open it up to the public to ASK QUESTIONS to the expert. Much less encroach with a QuickChek. near Wal-Mart. They can make it look nice by widening the road and putting nice curbs on both sides. the next Planning Board meeting is on Jan 24th Hackettstown chose a republican mayor. What need? I appreciate the need to have vital businesses in town to spur on economic growth, but this proposal does far more harm than good at that location. Hopefully the town shows a little more resolve this time. The first hurdle is if the homes are of historic value, since they are in the historic district. Trust me, if the turnout is tepid they will be more inclined to grant the changes requested because no one seemed to care. Many of these meetings go many months though, if not years, so be prepared to put the effort in that is required for the long haul. This makes said residential Historic District closer and closer to the commercial portion lowering the value of the residential historic portion and putting a number of truly historic homes "on the bubble" to be the next commercial variance victim. Landscaping? Enough already with pushing commercial on residential areas! Soon to be destroyed and lost forever. Understanding that discussion could not be held tonight since the entire meeting was devoted to the historic preservation testimony which board questions, public questions and rebuttals took until 10:30 pm. More than 200 comedians from around the world are attempting to break the Guinness Book of World Records for a continuous live stand-up show this weekend and it's all for charity. and he may have more projects in town in the future correct? PLEASE COME OUT ON TUESDAY and show the town we DON'T want this. That was such a fight. Nothing wrong with cash cow one on main st..If they can get a new one built y not?? I mean unless this guy bought with covenants in place, why should he maintain them to some vague notion of historic, much less maintain to an exact historic restoration level? This will cost extra money, fight for it now or it will never be done... Ijay how is this progress? I am suggesting the new owner of quick chek controls most of the walmart gas stations...they like their new stores near walmarts. FYI - I'm not anti-QC - I love their coffee and it is my go-to place when traveling because I know they are almost always clean, well-attended, great staff, etc. If it did provide repairs then oddly they're outlawed from selling cigarettes, drinks, etc. the replacement of Centenary's President House). Do not do this until the engine is warmed up and has sufficient oil in the top of the engine as it could cause engine damage!! It has a smell to it because you want it to have a smell to it. from the Municipal Building to the Trinity House, 212 E. Moore Street, SO NO, it's never a go until it is fully approved, do not let the feeling that it is going to be approved discourage you, fight till the end! The state filed a motion for a $123,982 judgement against Smith and his partner Frank Trumbetti last week. Or....is it because you are “planning” on tearing it down anyways....so why put money into it? Block 122, Lots 8-12 & 10.01 I doubt they will include time to voice opinions on the project at this point. AGAIN, I am not saying this happens, or will happen in our town, but it has and does happen elsewhere! Ave historical structures is a joke. I like to wrong the one at Hastings Square. None of Them! I heard a WaWa was coming on Mountain Ave. with a gas station,next to Applebees. The meetings where no public shows up, the boards sometimes go with the "silent majority" Is that what others took away from the meeting also? Having something that big, right next to and in front of the homes there (with all the 24 hour lights and noise) sounds stupid to me. I guess they're asking for use variances and not re-zoning? So let me get this straight, the owner has begun taking down trees but has yet to get the zoning variance, interesting to say the least. Oh and for clarification - I do like me a good Quick Chek gas station - just think it's the wrong location for it - impacts too many people and the traffic - so many other good places for it to go. http://www.hackettstown.net/land-development-code/ The proposal will make those homes virtually unsellable "What would be one's motive to join a unpaid committee in a town in which they do not live but they do business in?" Can't find the actual 2758 SHPO report though much less how being SHPO really matters to much of anything. I tend to give people the benefit of doubt so I want to chalk this up to them being clueless rather than sneaky And while I understand the allure of the ratable, ratable's always come at a cost. All Agenda items are being carried to the April 17, 2018 Meeting, at 7:00 p.m. underneath from damage, so to me that's rather odd, but then again. Shame on Quick Check because they could have as easily taken over the defunct gas station space across from Raceway and built that up without having to tear down homes. 2018 Budget Discussion Yes to the Methadone clinic and homeless shelter! @Scottso - hopefully enough people will show up on January 17th to oppose rezoning these areas as commercial/industrial. Putting the huge complex on the end of that block further removes the bridge from anything nearby (besides the cemetery itself) that's considered of Historic value. The Paftinos and Quick Check will have no standing for litigation if they get denied. you can email the mayor at: mayor@hackettstown.net and let her know what committee you would be interested in. The next meeting scheduled for March 20th at 7:00 pm will likely be the LAST opportunity for the public to testify on the matter with the potential for the zoning board to vote on the application that night. 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