If anyone’s relative ever mentioned his name I would be very pleased to hear about it. He was from Seminole, Oklahoma, and passed in June 2009. After the fall In good condition. with the royal artillery, after North Africa and the 8th Army at El-Alamein, he was sent as part of the 14th Army in Burma attached to 4th Indian Artillery, as a Chindit. H. C. Curtis had the 46th Infantry Division. in case the Germans attempted to seize it. Read the whole of the fascinating account at Burma Star.org.uk. There is a very good board where there are a few people with a lot of knowledge about the Burma campaign and can help searching for individuals. A gang of 500 coolies assisted with the work. My father is Julius Bommel. Pls let me know how I can load some of the froup photos. War Militaria ist das geistige Kind der 90er Jahre, und auf dem Florentiner Gebiet entwickelt, aus dem er die Wurzeln des Handwerks zieht. C. unit, armed with rifles and a few Bren guns, but Researching military service - Burma WW2. The person standing in the vehicle would be the Number One of the Gun, a Sergeant, and appears to have a map in front of him. And also, he won the battle of Mt. It was a gruesome experience that few people know anything about. It should be realised that the 2nd K.O.Y.L.I. My great uncle fought and was presumed killed in action in Burma on 03/04/1943. to engage the Japanese in Burma. but allowed to Kayah/Karenni; 7 %), Arakanesen/Rakhaing (4 %), Mon (2 %) und weitere wie die Chin, Kachin und Rohingya. in August at the age of 99. but i have not any tale about i need some book or documentary for know God bless. In good condition. (India). property, including the silver place, which was buried He was at Fort White, Tonzang and Imphal. There had been no sign of the Japanese, but all the same men were being lost at an alarming rate. and underwent training in the Mysore jungles for this At Takaw the Salween is only 800 feet above sea level, but two miles away on either side are mountain peaks 7000 feet high. Good morning to all , Beach - as part of the 49th (West Riding) Division, WW1 Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry KOYLI (King's) ALL BRASS Cap Badge - FV35 Guaranteed original. for the tail end of the fighting in Germany and completed Japan invaded Burma in 1942, then part of the British Empire, beginning what was to become the longest continuous campaign fought by the British during the war. My grandfather was pte (Later cpl) Colin Bates and he was in the RASC his army number was T/14690324. Colonel C. J. Keegan, who had taken over command, walked up from his tent to breakfast. He married Daisy in 1947 and in 1950 they left the Pacific for the Netherlands. I’m Somali origin and I met many somali veterans who fought in Burma but their history never being told. Tried all sites to no avail, My father Ghulam Muhammed participated in wwr2 in burma.he got burma star and also prisioned as wwr 2 prisioner by japnese forces. I wish I had more details than that, but I don’t. Valerie Davies, Dear sir The road was mined and prepared for demolition by a detachment of Bengal sappers and miners. It explains the different cultures and religions, the Ganges, funeral pyres and life in general. He never talked to me about the horrors he witnessed, and it was only after he died at the early age of 66 that I found that he had left me his medals, maps, field compass and a Japanese hat, a blood drenched Jap flag and a Jap sword. Burma was sandwiched between Japanese and Allied Troops. For all except the last hundred miles to its mouth, it cuts its way through high mountains. There are maps photos and I have indexed all names mentioned. According to my grandma, he never spoke about it apart from he got shot in his left arm above the elbow. Valerie Davies, My uncle Sgt. He Hlei loved the Allied but the Allied forgot him and his service. I’ve found myself with the same unrecognized, incurable disease daddy suffered with later in his life. Amazing that there is no mention of the Indian troops, part of the British forces, that took over from the East Africans. fought a rear-guard action on the Seine before eventual 5 and 8 KOYLI were anti-aircraft units, 7 KOLYI were armoured, and 9 KOYLI (formerly the Queens Own Yorkshire Dragoons) was motorised. I still have a lot of work to do but as they say “Lest We Forget”, Just a note found 1 book: Don’t know where he fought after this but returned home to Rangoon after the War ended. The severest fighting took place during the autumn This is an original King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry KOYLI Regiment Cap Badge for sale. actions were at the crossing of the Garigliano River, My Grandfather fought in the Burma Campaign he was lucky enough to have been General Slims driver for what I believe was a large portion of the campaign. I know he was fairly high in his rank and should of collected the cross for his bravery but my grandma said he was to proud to collect it and always stated he did no more than any other man so why did he deserve a medal?. War Militaria ist ein Unternehmen, bei der Wiedergabe von militaria Artikeln spezialisiert. He was awarded the Military Cross for his heroic acrion in Burma. John Owen Davies, Royal Corps of Signals maintained a radio behind Japanese lines in Burma. He was mentioned in dispatches and I am trying to find out more about that. If anyone can provide any insight it would be greatly appreciated. She killed him with rage and hysterical drunken fits nightly. My Dad fought in Burma, he was a British soldier and never spoke of what happened over there, some information was passed on from my uncle what dad went through with leeches and how they burned them off with a lit cigarette, another thing was that he seen his fellow troops/friends dying also that he was saved from a land mine as he was standing over one and his fellow troops managed to get him free for which he was grateful for. After intensive training in Scotland, Northern Ireland In 1861 the Regiment was renamed as the 105th (Madras Light Infantry) Regiment when all of the HEIC Regiments were converted … This was part of the 7th Indian Division which experienced the Battles of the Admin Box and Kohima. My grandfather(rip) fought in Burma too he was from Somaliland.he used to tell us stories about the war i cant believe that they are so forgotten.i would love to know if i can find list of all troops under British command.any ideas! [1] Die buddhistischen Birmanen sind überall im Land, vor allem aber im Zentrum im Tal des Irrawaddy ansässig, während die zum Teil christlichen, animistischen oder muslimischen Minderheiten in den Randgebieten … How I wish historians would write a proper account of these people. For his service during the 1939-1945 war Archie Smith received the 1939-1945 Star, Atlantic Star, Africa Star, Burma Star, and the British War Medal. Please help me if there is any person and i know his ID numer of that somali-Scot and Full Name and His is Called Abdi Dool. This page highlights just some of the resources where you can discover more. Please see our other items for more original WW1, WW2 & post war British military cap badges for sale including other King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry KOYLI cap badges. I also believe KOYLI soldiers served with the Royal West Africa Frontier Force (RWAFF) prior to the Burma campaign. Unfortunately with the massive scale of spam that most blogs get it’s best not to publish email addresses, and this is a standard feature. http://www.burmastar.org.uk/annespoem.htm. Wives and children had been left behind in Maymyo ever since August, looked after by a small detachment of sick men under the command of Lieutenant C. A. It should therefore be realised that many officers and men went through this campaign in a state of terrible anxiety for their womenfolk, possibly greater than any other British unit had to suffer in the war. “C” Company (Capt. They jumped out on time. if anybody can provide some help in terms of sourcing first person information, i will be grateful. They were so hungry that a couple of times they unloaded ammunition from the 25lbr Quads and loaded rations that they found, which they could actually have been shot for, but it was needs must. Bombay, Poona, Calcutta. Die japanischen Truppen der 15. He fought in Burma. 14737510 was in the 2nd Battalion Border Regiment, 14th Army. my Dad passed away in 2014 he was in North Africa and then Burma, I know only snippets of his time there as he told me “he didn’t want to remember” now reading ‘Burma Victory’ by David Rooney , I can in some small way understand his not wishing to remember. I am one of his five children, I was born in 1949 (my eldest sister was born in ’46). The Salween is one of the very great rivers of the world and it has the unenviable distinction of being probably the most useless of them. Won M.M. to Palestine to rest. In 1968, the regiment was amalgamated with the Somerset and Cornwall Light Infantry, the King's Shropshire Light Infantry and the Durham Light Infantry to form The Light Infantry, which in turn was merged with the Devonshire and Dorset Regiment, the Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire and Wiltshire Regiment and the Royal Green Jacketsto be… At the bottom of the cover page it reads, “Price Annas 8 ‘SEAC’ Newspaper, Calcutta. Malaria was a very real problem. My grandfather fought in Purma and before purma and i would like to know more. He had married older so although I was young he was 65. He spoke little of his experiences there but I know from my mother that he had like the others terrible experiences, contracted Malaria there which left him with health problems for the rest of his life and he died aged 58 in 1979. It came in 5th Battalion converted Like many have posted here, he never spoke of the horrors of combat. As the news spread, Japanese soldiers, left their positions and ran off. In WWII the regiment’s nine battalions represented the new age of warfare. Evacuated when the Japanese invaded, with his wife ( my grandmother) and 2 month old baby (my aunt). Coming from East Africa Kenya under ”The King’s Rifles East Africa”. in Doncaster. to take it to many different parts of the Eastern He died in 1955 in an accident at a firing range outside Delhi. He would not talk about it. Kadar. of Rome the Battalion was withdrawn in July 1944, My late father served with the 1st Battalion, Northamptonshire Regiment in India and Burma. He circled a few towns in the booklet which I presume is where he was during his active service time. He was in a private in the Kings regiment in Burma from July 1944 until around September 1946. This means that no difficulties over copyright arise, you can choose from a variety of licenses at: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/ These searches will incur charges dependent on the complexity of the enquiry. He suffered from mental health illness and wore his uniform, apparently daily, till he died. one of the assault battalions in the landing in Sicily On March 3rd 1942 came the unfortunate event, the surrender to the Japanese forces. My Grandmother was a part of the INA in Rangoon and was a part of the nursing efforts. does anybody have any more info on this. He became a euphemism, a thing to be made fun of, in what was then called Rhodesia now called Zimbabwe. He never got his medals and I believe my grandma never wanted them. His heart was broken over there. In reply to Bob Youel, posted March 2016, my dad, Mark Wolstenholme, was also a machine gunner with the Manchesters, 2nd Battalion. He also lost other family members who were out there with him. Thank you. Plus a small chapter on the propaganda unit he was in in 1945. The winter of 1939-1940 was bitterly cold, and was To reinforce the point made about the lack of information available, my father RSM Joseph (Tug) Wilson walked out of Burma (via Yenangyaung) to find out that my mother was safe (evacuated in the hold of a US plane) but his 9 month old son had died of gastroenteritis during the evacuation. I also have a letter that he wrote in 1944 of his observations of India. But now I know. Lord Louis Mountbatten, Far East Commander, addressing men in Burma in 1943. Mrs. While posted in Assam, I chanced upon a volley of information about the war in the Indian Northeast and Myanmar, then Burma. As P.O.W., he worked on the Burma Road. 6 talking about this. PLease give the page a “like” and post any details you have about your relatives, we would be very interested in reading them, and please do post photos too. He is interred in Thurmaston Cemetery. In 1955 these were merged Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. and sailed for India, by way of South Africa. But the war was over and Chin veterans including He Hlei who fought along with the Allied Troops got forgotten. Hi my father Patrick Anthony Talbot was in the Burma Railway Treck and was driving a train with his brother Ossie John Talbot (which is now my name John Oswald Talbot). Any help for research appreciated. his aramy no is 13448, Eng core.Our family doesnt get any finanional aid or pension from british army.Also uk entry as given by Queen Elzbath announced in her pakistan visit in early 60. I was with 215 Squadron. If anyone knows of him please let me know. I hate to say, but that is one of the reasons I dont carry the poppy flower. the Battalion was withdrawn to Scotland. Read the Marine from Mandalay, amazing story . I am trying identify the shrines and temples in the pictures. My father was a Chindit. Unfortunately, some Japs continued to fight despite the war being over and therefore British soldiers had to remain overseas longer to mop these Japs up. Hello. I also found a British memoir on line by Phil Kaiserman who was posted to India with the RAF and later to Vietnam. We’ll, better late than never…, Hi Richard, I would love to see a movie made of the Burma campaign. The EEIS was charged with capturing novel enemy equipment. If you have any related photos to my hometown, please send me to email. At Kvam the Battalion, entirely on its own, held in North West Europe. He served in the Burma campaign 1944-1946. Would Burma have been different without American pressure to keep the Burma road open to China? One of the survivors of the Burma Road infamy. During the retreat It was fought in some of the most challenging terrain in the world, in a tropical climate that claimed many men before they had a chance to fight. Any ideas where I should start? from Moulmein to Rangoon, the Battalion lost heavily Hello everyone. It is like looking down into a great slit in the earth’s surface, a great dark chasm at the bottom of which can occasionally be seen the glint of the water. The sides rose practically vertical for 2000 feet or more. My dad Thomas William WRIGHT born Gloucestershire, fought in Burma with the Dorset Regiment 1943-45. I have read many other accounts of the war in Burma, and use the book to accurately paint the frightful picture. With over 2,000,000 men fighting in that theatre, who knows? I have many photos taken in Meerut 1942. Most were carried in lorries along the dusty roads and tracks from Mandalay to the Chindwin and thence trekked on foot into India. in Eastern India and on the Burma frontier until December They have since passed on. As soon as the road in India was reached they were hurried first by lorry and then by train to hill stations but not all of them lived to reach safety and comfort. Sadly it is too late now, he died in 2007 a couple of days before his 89th birthday.I have his medals and some of his papers. Perhaps our dads knew each other. battle honours were awarded to the Regiment for ''The Because of its speed and many rapids it is useless for navigation; there is no level ground on either side so it cannot be used for irrigation. ISBN 0-304-35349-3, Eagerly in need namer of nyasaland soldiers who missed in the entire second world war, why somali heroes were easily forgotten ? Had to sleep on the floor for a year when he got home. I’ve just found this site my father fought in Burma with no1 commando no 4troop he was wounded on hill 170 his best friend / buddy Andy pllu died not far from my fathers position he saw it happen and it haunted him until the day he died not being able to save his best mate. On June 22, 1940 the battalion sailed King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry. To all those who still survive, i hold you in admiration and gratitude. The journey began at once and continued for eight days, partly in lorries and partly by train. Pls advise how to load the photos. 5 and 8 KOYLI were anti-aircraft units, 7 KOLYI were armoured, and 9 KOYLI (formerly the Queens Own Yorkshire Dragoons) was motorised. He was awarded a gong for crossing the Chindwin under fire, but he never wore his medals. 1947 and in charge of the Burma campaign are rather ambivalent about this Site Contact! Frightening in its enormous power Chang ah Shek and pressured the British brought them from British Somaliland East! 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