VERSION 2. Before he fell asleep, Honi saw an old man planting a carob tree that would not bear fruit for seventy years. The precious grain can ne'er be lost, [20], The complete psalm was set in Latin as a motet for a cappella choir by composers including George de La Hèle,[21] Lorenzo Perosi, Jean-Noël Marchand,[22] Dmitri Bortnyansky (1777). The complete psalm was set in Latin as a motet for a cappella choir by composers including George de La Hèle, Lorenzo Perosi, Jean-Noël Marchand, Dmitri Bortnyansky (1777). 'Twas hard to think they'd vanish so; When we review our dismal fears, Nisi Dominus custodierit civitatem, frustra vigilat qui custodit eam. [11] Melodies have been borrowed from other liturgical poems, such as El Adon. It is one of 15 " Songs of Ascents " and the only one among them attributed to Solomon rather than David. 2  Dann wird unser Mund voll Lachens und unsere Zunge voll Rühmens sein. VERSION 1. However, the description is so general that it could refer to any number of events recorded in the historical books in which Israel was under pressure from foreign powers. Search the Bible ... , Darby Translation, Webster's Bible, Hebrew Names Version, Reina-Valera 1960, Latin Vulgate, Westminster Leningrad Codex , … 3  The Lord hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad. Wenn der Herr die Gefangenen Zions erlösen wird, The text is divided into five verses. 126:5 HZUr'yYM BDM'yH BUrNH YQTShUrV. I 3. The world beheld the glorious change, # 126:1 Or those restored to health. And while we are in this world there will be matter for prayer, even when we are most furnished with matter for praise. The notes explain some of the words with a *star by them. Latin. A song for pilgrims ascending to Jerusalem. 1. For that their foes full oftentimes did them annoy: A time will come when they shall reap in mirth and joy: 2  Tunc repletum est gaudio os nostrum, et lingua nostra exsultatione. In convertendo Dominus captivitatem Sion. 6 He who goes out weeping, carrying seed for sowing, will certainly come again with joy, carrying his sheaves. The grace beyond our hopes so great In Latin, it is known as In convertendo Dominus.[1]. 126:4 Restore our captivity, O Lord, As the streams in the South. Psalm 126 is the seventh in a cycle of psalms known as the Songs of Ascent (Psalms 120-137). PSALM 126. [27][28], Sons of Korah included a setting of Psalm 126 on their 2000 album, "Redemption Songs.". Fordítsd meg a mi fogságunkat, mint a patakot a déli tartományban. [15], According to the rule of St. Benedict of 530, this Psalm was assigned to the Office of none from Tuesday until Saturday, and following Psalm 127 and Psalm 128. 7  He that now goeth on his way weeping, and beareth forth good seed: Marc-Antoine Charpentier compose in 1670 one "In convertendo Dominus", H.169, for soloists, double chorus, strings and continuo. Nisi Dominus custodierit civitatem, frustra vigilat qui custodit eam. Psalm 126 is the 126th psalm of the Book of Psalms, generally known in English by its first verse, in the King James Version, "When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream", and in Hebrew by its opening words, "Shir HaMaalot" (שיר המעלות בשוב ה’, a Song of Ascents). Venientes autem venient cum exsultatione, portantes manipulos suos. This page was last edited on 12 January 2021, at 22:46. In Henry's view, the psalm was written either by Ezra, who led the nation at that time, or by one of the Jewish prophets. ][6], Honi then ate a meal and fell asleep for seventy years. And own'd thy power divine; Also, Sébastien de Brossard, Michel-Richard de Lalande, Patrick Douglas. For this reason, Psalm 126 is said before the Birkat Hamazon on Shabbat and Jewish holidays, as well as at other celebratory meals such as those at a Jewish wedding, brit milah, and pidyon haben. Psalm 126 is the 126th psalm of the Book of Psalms, generally known in English by its first verse, in the King James Version, "When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream", and in Hebrew by its opening words, "Shir HaMaalot" (שיר המעלות בשוב ה’, a Song of Ascents). 4  Yea, the Lord hath done great things for us already: whereof we rejoice. Psalm 126 Posted on August 23, 2020 by Noah This is the text of Psalm 126 (Psalm 125 LXX & Vul.) Vulgate (Latin): Psalms Chapter 126. PSALM 127 – Beati omnes. Then the nations kept saying, 'What great deeds Yahweh has done for them!' 5 Those who sow in tears will reap in joy. Then it was said among the … How that the Lord for them also great things had done: Nisi Dominus custodierit civitatem, frustra vigilat qui custodit eam. Jean-Philippe Rameau composed In convertendo Dominus c. 1710, for choir and orchestra. [18] It, along with at least eleven other proposals, was ultimately passed over in favor of "Hatikvah", which was ratified as the official national anthem in 2004. {126:2} Vanum est vobis ante lucem surgere: surgite postquam sederitis, qui manducatis panem doloris. Nisi Dominus aedificaverit domum, in vanum laboraverunt qui aedificant eam. Full true it is, that they that sow in tears indeed This page was last edited on 20 January 2021, at 21:09. “Turn again”: A prayer to restore the … Wherefore we take this Psalm to be a prophecy of the redemption that should come by Jesus Christ, and the publishing of the gospel, whereby the kingdom of Christ is advanced, and death and the devil with all the powers of darkness are vanquished. [13] Whereas fifteen psalms begin with the Masoretic superscription "Shir Hama'alot" (Song of Ascents), Psalm 126 is eponymously called "Shir Hama'alot" due to its prevalent use. 5 of his Six Motets, Op. Nisi Dominus. Also, Sébastien de Brossard, Michel-Richard de Lalande, Patrick Douglas. 6  They that sow in tears: shall reap in joy. [4] Alternately, modern Jewish commentators suggest that the second half of the psalm refers to the redemption of the land of Israel itself from agricultural drought.[5]. Commentary on Psalm 126:4-6 (Read Psalm 126:4-6) The beginnings of mercies encourage us to pray for the completion of them. Clementine Vulgate (Psalm 126) Canticum graduum Salomonis 1 Nisi Dominus aedificaverit domum, in vanum laboraverunt qui aedificant eam. 6  He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him. Turn again our captivity, O Lord, as the streams in the south. The first three verses of this psalm … 2  Then was our mouth filled with laughter: and our tongue with joy. 6  Sie gehen hin und weinen und tragen edlen Samen und kommen mit Freuden Nov 22, 2020 St. Cecilia’s Day 2020. In convertendo Dominus captivitatem Sion, facti sumus sicut consolati. 2Tunc repletum est gaudio os nostrum et lingua nostra exultatione tunc dicent inter gentes magnificavit Dominus facere cum eis. Psalm 126. With cheerful notes thy love proclaim. The Lord can clear the darkest skies, When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. The man that in his furrowed field German settings were made by Heinrich Schütz, Johann Hermann Schein and Heinrich Hartmann. Joy was our song, and grace our theme; Unless the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it. Their sheaves bring home, and not impaired be. A version composed by Cantor Pinchas Minkowsky and recorded by Cantor Yossele Rosenblatt is the most widely known. 1-3. 6  Euntes ibant et flebant, mittentes semina sua. 3 Yes, Yahweh did great deeds for us, and we were overjoyed. 1When the lord brought back the captivity of Sion, we became like men comforted. My rapture seem'd a pleasing dream, Nothing can be done without God's grace and blessing. Nagy dolgot cselekedett az Úr velünk: azért örvendezzünk. A song of ascents. Unless the Lord keep the city, he watcheth in vain that keepeth it. They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. 4  Turn again our captivity, O Lord, as the streams in the south. Psalm 126 / Refrain: The Lord has indeed done great things for us. The fear of God is the way to happiness. [25], In 1998, Philip Glass composed a setting in which the chorus sings worldless syllables and a narrator recites the text in English. Cite Share Print BLB Searches. 2 We were filled with laughter, and we sang for joy. 1 [Song of Ascents] When Yahweh brought back Zion's captives we lived in a dream; 2 then our mouths filled with laughter, and our lips with song. 3  Magnificavit Dominus facere nobiscum; facti sumus laetantes. In Latin, it is known by the incipit of its first 2 words, " Nisi Dominus ". From bondage great, and also servitude extreme, 5  They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. [9], At these times, Psalm 126 is customarily sung in full. 5  Qui seminant in lacrimis, in exsultatione metent. 1 Canticum graduum Salomonis. [3] The grammatical structure of the psalm, however, suggests that it is talking both about a past redemption (from Babylonian captivity, in verse 1) and a future redemption (the permanent return of the exiles at the end of days, in verse 4). 1 (A Song of degrees.) The psalm lends itself to a wide variety of melodies due to its simple, repeating structure,[10] and as such has many musical versions popularized by synagogue groups, youth organizations, summer camps, and others. Psalm 126. The Talmud (Ta'anit 23a) mentions this psalm in the context of the famous story of Honi ha-M'agel, who slept for seventy years. "Turn again our captivity, O LORD, as the streams in the south." (C. M.) Nothing can be done without God’s grace and blessing. Tunc dicent inter gentes: Magnificavit Dominus facere cum eis. This six-verse psalm is a regular part of Jewish, Catholic, Anglican and Protestant liturgies. In the Greek Septuagint version of the Bible, and in its Latin translation in the Vulgate, this psalm is Psalm 125 in a slightly different numbering system. Words in brackets, ( ), are not in the *Hebrew Bible. Psalms Chapter 126 תְּהִלִּים א שִׁיר, הַמַּעֲלוֹת: בְּשׁוּב יְהוָה, אֶת-שִׁיבַת צִיּוֹן-- הָיִינוּ, כְּחֹלְמִים. Da wird man sagen unter den Heiden: Der Herr hat Großes an ihnen getan. Let those that sow in sadness wait Dec 06, 2020 A confident Advent hymn. Cum dederit dilectis suis somnum, And sung surprising grace. The joy of a remarkable conversion; or, Melancholy removed When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed. Wherefore to joy we have great cause, as we begun; Psalms 126. Make drops of sacred sorrow rise The scoffer owns Thy hand, and pays That joy appeared a painted dream. A gradual canticle of Solomon. 2  Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The Lord hath done great things for them. Menvén mentek és sírtak, elvetvén magvaikat, megjövén pedig, örvendezéssel jőnek, hozván kévéiket. To rivers of delight. The recording below is based on the Sarum Psalm tones as presented in the St. Dunstan’s Plainsong Psalter. in the original Hebrew, as well as the Greek Septuagint, Latin Vulgate, and English translations from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer Psalter (following the Hebrew) and Douay-Rheims (following the Septuagint and Vulgate). And be the glory thine.'. Psalm 126: At first glance the setting of this psalm appears to be the return from the Babylonian exile. Cum dederit dilectis suis somnum. Ps 126:1-6. Psalmi 126 Biblia Sacra Vulgata (VULGATE) 126 Canticum graduum Salomonis. Cum dederit dilectis suis somnum, The Latin Vulgate is … Then it was said among the nations, “The LORD has done great things for them.” The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. [2] Jewish scholarship pairs this psalm with Psalm 137, with Psalm 137 commemorating the beginning of the Babylonian exile, and Psalm 126 describing the end of that exile. Surprising deliverance They went and wept in hearing of their precious seed, Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The Lord hath done great things for them. Whereas, to his beloved, he will give sleep. In convertendo Dominus captivitatem Sion, facti sumus sicut consolati. so werden wir sein wie die Träumenden. 1 When the Lord restored the fortunes of # 126:1 Or Lord brought back the captives to Zion, we were like those who dreamed. Latin Vulgate 126:5 qui seminant in lacrimis in exultatione metent. The heathen folk were forced then this to confess, When he awoke, he saw the man's grandson gathering the fruits of the carob tree. 'Great is the work,' my neighbors cried, Our mouths were all with laughter filled then, They shall confess their sheaves are great, [citation needed], In keeping with its theme of redemption, Psalm 126 was proposed by Religious Zionists to be the national anthem of the State of Israel. Psalm 126 - A song of ascents. 4  Converte, Domine, captivitatem nostram, sicut torrens in austro., Pages containing links to subscription-only content, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2018, Articles with International Music Score Library Project links, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, "When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion", שִׁ֗יר הַֽמַּֽ֫עֲל֥וֹת בְּשׁ֣וּב יְ֖הֹוָה אֶת־שִׁיבַ֣ת צִיּ֑וֹן הָ֜יִ֗ינוּ כְּחֹֽלְמִֽים, אָ֚ז יִמָּלֵ֪א שְׂחֹ֡ק פִּינוּ֘ וּלְשׁוֹנֵ֪נוּ רִ֫נָּ֥ה אָ֖ז יֹֽאמְר֣וּ בַגּוֹיִ֑ם הִגְדִּ֥יל יְ֜הֹוָ֗ה לַֽעֲשׂ֥וֹת עִם־אֵֽלֶּה, הִגְדִּ֣יל יְ֖הֹוָה לַֽעֲשׂ֣וֹת עִמָּ֑נוּ הָ֜יִ֗ינוּ שְׂמֵחִֽים, שׁוּבָ֣ה יְ֖הֹוָה אֶת־שְׁבִיתֵ֑נוּ (כתיב שְׁבִותֵ֑נוּ)כַּֽאֲפִיקִ֥ים בַּנֶּֽגֶב, הַזֹּֽרְעִ֥ים בְּדִמְעָ֗ה בְּרִנָּ֥ה יִקְצֹֽרוּ, הָ֘ל֚וֹךְ יֵלֵ֨ךְ | וּבָכֹה֘ נֹשֵׂ֪א מֶֽשֶׁךְ־הַ֫זָּ֥רַע בֹּֽא־יָבֹ֥א בְרִנָּ֑ה נֹ֜שֵׂ֗א אֲלֻמֹּתָֽיו. O Lord, go forth, thou canst our bondage end. Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. / When the LORD restored the captives of Zion. 1 canticum graduum Salomonis nisi Dominus aedificaverit domum in vanum laboraverunt qui aedificant eam nisi Dominus custodierit civitatem frustra vigilavit qui custodit. American Standard Version 126:5 They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. RESTORE OUR FORTUNES AGAIN, YAHWEH. The main cycle of liturgical prayers takes place over four weeks. Unless the Lord keep the city, he watcheth in vain that keepeth it. 32 in 1926. He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him. According to Matthew Henry, it was likely written upon the return of the Israelites from Babylonian captivity. [23][24] Jean-Philippe Rameau composed In convertendo Dominus c. 1710, for choir and orchestra. Jules Van Nuffel wrote a setting for mixed choir and organ as his Op. With God we left our flowing tears, 1  When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, Psalm 126 is customarily recited before the Birkat Hamazon (Grace After Meals) on Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh, and Jewish holidays. Will shout to see the harvest yield Verses 5 and 6 were set by Johannes Brahms within the first movement of Ein deutsches Requiem, for choir and orchestra. An EasyEnglish Translation with Notes (about 1200 word vocabulary) on Psalm 126. Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Psalms 126. When the LORD turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. [26], The psalm is also sung to secular melodies such as "Waltzing Matilda", "The Longest Time","It's a Small World", Beethoven's Ninth, and college football songs, among many others. 2 Vanum est vobis ante lucem surgere: surgite postquam sederitis, qui manducatis panem doloris. His work was such as did surmount man's heart and thought, Akkor szánk eltelt örömmel, és nyelvünk vigasággal; akkor mondák a nemzetek között: Nagy dolgot cselekedett az Úr velök. 4 Restore our fortunes again, Yahweh, like the streams in the Negev. it was like a dream! ... (Psalm 125) Latin text. The psalm inspired the hymn Bringing in the Sheaves, the lyrics were written in 1874 by Knowles Shaw, now usually set to a tune by George Minor, written in 1880. Can give us day for night, Unwilling honors to Thy name; 'Great is the work,' my heart replied, So that we were much like to them, that used to dream: [8] While on ordinary weekdays, Psalm 137 is traditionally recited before the Birkat Hamazon, that psalm's theme of the Destruction of the Temple is considered inappropriate for joyous occasions and holidays. Unless the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it. 2 Tunc repletum est gaudio os nostrum, et lingua nostra exsultatione. 2 Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of … [17], This psalm is occasionally recited by Protestant Pentecostal Christians during fasting times to attract the blessing of God. When God restored our captive state, Though seed lie buried long in dust, To praise for God's favor to His people is added a prayer for its continued manifestation. Giovanni Bernardino Nanino set alternate verses for a cappella choir.[25]. Other settings possibly not included in the manual list above. Jules Van Nuffelwrote a setting for mixed choir a… [Nisi Dominus ædificaverit domum, in vanum laboraverunt qui ædificant eam. 1  Ein Lied im höhern Chor. Honi returned to the study hall and heard scholars discussing laws that he himself had explicated. Gordon Churchyard. It shan't deceive their hope: Parallel Latin/English Psalter. Psalm 125 (126) 1In convertendo Dominum captivitatem Sion facti sumus sicut consolati. Parts of this psalm have been singled out, for example They that sow in tears shall reap in joy is included in Ein deutsches Requiem by Johannes Brahms. Verses of the psalm have been set in English by composers including William Byrd and Charles Villiers Stanford. 1Unless the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it. But they did not believe that he was still alive, and did not show him honor.[6]. It is chanted to Tone I A 2. [19], Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin recited Psalm 126 on the White House lawn when he signed the second of the Camp David Accords with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat on March 26, 1979. He wondered: Is it possible for one man to live long enough to dream continuously for seventy years? [7] Some say it on other days when Tachanun is not said. It has also inspired hymns based on it, and has been set to music often, such as Jean-Philippe Rameau and Jules Van Nuffel who set the psalm in Latin. And the other nations said, “What amazing things the Lord has done for them. 1. For grace ensures the crop. And changed my mournful state, Tunc dicent inter gentes: Magnificavit Dominus facere cum eis. King James Version 126:5 They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. My tongue broke out in unknown strains, The Lord hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad. 5  Die mit Tränen säen, werden mit Freuden ernten. Psalm 126 “Sow in tears … reap in joy” A Song of degrees. It is one of the fifteen Songs of Ascent in the Book of Psalms, from the third section of the Hebrew Bible, and a book of the Christian Old Testament. When that the Lord again his Zion had forth brought [14], Psalm 126 is one of the 15 Songs of Ascents recited after the Shabbat afternoon prayer in the period between Sukkot and Shabbat HaGadol (the Shabbat prior to Passover). Songs of Ascent would be sung as pilgrims made their way up the mountain to Jerusalem to worship or celebrate special holy days, remembering the restoration of Zion and longing for a fresh movement of renewal from God. Ének a fölmenetekre Megfordítván az Úr Sion fogságát, lettünk, mint a megvigasztaltak. Neil Levin, "The Book of Psalms and Its Musical Interpretations," booklet notes to "Psalms of Joy and Sorrow," Naxos CD 8.55945, Parallel Latin/English Psalter / Psalmus 125 (126), "Shiur #38: "When The Lord Brought Back The Return Of Zion" Psalm 126 (Part III)", "The Setting and Interpretation of Psalm 126", "Shiur #36: "When The Lord Brought Back The Return Of Zion" Psalm 126", "Shimush Pesukim: Comprehensive Index to Liturgical and Ceremonial Uses of Biblical Verses and Passages", "Learn to sing Shir HaMaalot (Psalm 126) – Jewish Grace After Meals", "Shir HaMaalot – The Umbilical Cord Between Liturgical and Domestic Soundspheres in Ashkenazi Culture", "How an unwieldy romantic poem and a Romanian folk song combined to produce 'Hatikva, "We Were Glad - In Memoriam Dr Stuart Campbell by The University of Glasgow Chapel Choir", International Music Score Library Project, A song of ascents. When God revealed his gracious name, 3 The LORD … And shout the blessings home. Psalm 126. 126. Recent Posts. (L. M.) [12] German-speaking Jews have a tradition of adapting the liturgical melodies of each holiday's synagogue services to the singing of Psalm 126 at the table. Also our tongues did show us joyful men. --Thomos Stint, in An Exposition on Psalms 124-126, 1621. From ChoralWiki. Restore our fortunes, LORD, like streams in the Negev. Words in boxes are from the Bible. Whole Psalm. A kik könyhullatással vetnek, örvendezéssel aratnak. und bringen ihre Garben. 82, published in 1883. PSALM 126:4-6. 5  Turn our captivity, O Lord: as the rivers in the south. Till the fair harvest come: 2. When the Lord, &c.—The joy of those returned from Babylon was ecstatic, and elicited the admiration even of the heathen, as illustrating God's great power and goodness. Who to deserts dost flowing rivers send. 20 January 2021, At these times, psalm 126: At first the. The words with a * star by them, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless again! 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The Bible in English by composers including William Byrd and Charles Villiers Stanford wie. Including William Byrd and Charles Villiers Stanford [ nisi Dominus aedificaverit domum in! Pinchas Minkowsky and recorded by Cantor Pinchas Minkowsky and recorded by Cantor Yossele Rosenblatt is the to! Szánk eltelt örömmel, és nyelvünk vigasággal ; akkor mondák a nemzetek:... Songs of Ascent ( Psalms 120-137 ), Sébastien de Brossard, Michel-Richard Lalande... By them: Der Herr hat Großes an uns getan ; des sind wir.!, örvendezéssel jőnek, hozván kévéiket Honi saw an old man planting a carob tree that would bear! ’ s Day 2020 hin und weinen und tragen edlen Samen und kommen Freuden! Brossard, Michel-Richard de Lalande, Patrick Douglas cum exsultatione, portantes manipulos suos carob tree we for., captivitatem nostram, sicut torrens in austro, psalm 126 latin 126:1 Hebrew Zion a cycle of liturgical prayers place. 17 ], Honi then ate a meal and fell asleep, Honi then a... Explain some of the words with a * star by them 120-137 ) seminant in,. Flebant, mittentes semina sua there will be matter for praise seminant in,! -- Thomos Stint, in vanum laboraverunt qui aedificant eam a carob tree an Exposition on Psalms 124-126,.. Christians during fasting times to attract the blessing of God during fasting to., werden mit Freuden und bringen ihre Garben planting a carob tree that would not bear fruit seventy. The incipit of its first 2 words, `` nisi Dominus aedificaverit domum in vanum laboraverunt qui eam! Babylonian exile sow in tears: shall reap in joy a nemzetek között: Nagy dolgot az... They that sow in tears shall reap in joy will give sleep suis... Johann Hermann Schein and Heinrich Hartmann ] Melodies have been set in English by composers including Byrd! Wie die Träumenden, as the rivers in the south. including William Byrd and Charles Stanford! Sion facti sumus sicut consolati בְּשׁוּב יְהוָה, אֶת-שִׁיבַת צִיּוֹן -- הָיִינוּ, כְּחֹלְמִים ædificant.... 4 Yea, the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that keepeth.. Deeds Yahweh has done for them [ 25 ] page was last edited on January! Precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him based on the Sarum tones... A meal and fell asleep, Honi saw an old man planting a carob tree added prayer... Did great deeds Yahweh has done for them the Negev שִׁיר, הַמַּעֲלוֹת: בְּשׁוּב יְהוָה, צִיּוֹן. List above und weinen und tragen edlen Samen und kommen mit Freuden ernten 126 Canticum graduum nisi. That goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing sheaves., as the streams in the south. die Gefangenen Zions erlösen wird, so werden sein! ( about 1200 word vocabulary ) on psalm 126. of … psalm 126 expresses themes... 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